When the holy king ascended the throne, the people were not frozen or hungry. They could not only plow the fields to eat, but also weave and dress, so as to open the door to wealth. Therefore, Yao and Yu have nine years of water, soup has seven years of drought, and those who donate barren land when the country dies will also benefit from livestock accumulation. Today, the sea is one, and the land people do not avoid the Tang Dynasty. They died of natural disasters for several years, and their livestock did not accumulate. The land has its advantages, the people have the rest, the land where the grain was born has not been reclaimed, the benefits of mountains and rivers have not been exhausted, and the people who traveled far for food have not returned to agriculture.
Poor people are born with evil spirits. Poverty is born of shortage, shortage is born of not ploughing, and if you don't plough, you won't farm. Leave your hometown if you don't land, and look down on your family. People are like birds and beasts. Although there are high cities and deep pools, strict laws and heavy penalties cannot be banned. Cold is for clothes, not for heating; Hunger is food, not happiness. Hungry and cold, regardless of shame. Human feelings are hungry as long as they don't eat, and cold as long as they don't make clothes. My husband is hungry and can't eat, and his skin is cold and he can't wear clothes. Although a loving mother can't protect her son, how can you have her people? The wise master knows what it is, so he takes farming and mulberry as the people, collects it thinly, accumulates livestock extensively, and prepares for floods and droughts with solid warehouses, so that the people can have it.
People, in the world, such as Mu Zhi, pursue profits like water, and all sides choose to die. Gold, pearls, jade, gold and silver can't be eaten when hungry, and can't be worn when cold, but expensive ones are also used for the above reasons. This is a slight thing that is easy to hide. It lies in catching it so that it can die of hunger and cold in Zhou Hai. This makes ministers return to the Lord lightly, while the people return to their hometowns easily, thieves are persuaded, and fugitives are also lightly subsidized. Millet cloth was born underground, but it is longer than time, and it is not built in a day. A few stones are heavy, and China people won, not for evil interests, but for a day of hunger and cold, which is why Mingjun values food over gold and jade.
Today, a farmer's family of five has no fewer than two servants, only a hundred acres of cultivators and a hundred acres of harvest. Plowing in spring and harvesting in summer, harvesting in autumn and harvesting in winter, chopping wood, governing politics and levying taxes. No dust in spring, no heat in summer, no rain in autumn, no cold and freezing in winter, and a rest between four o'clock on the day of death. I was also sent to say hello in private, hang myself and ask questions, and raise orphans and children in it. It was hard work. It is still suffering from floods and droughts, and it is urgent and tyrannical. When it is harvested, it will be changed at dusk. Furniture is used, some people sell it for half a year, and the dead get double interest, so some people sell farmland houses and give money to their children. And the big businesses accumulate double interest, and the small businesses sit in a row and sell, and they win their prizes. They will wander around the city every day and sell for twice as much when they are in a hurry. Therefore, if men don't work hard and women don't weave silkworms, clothes will be gifted, food will be good, and the suffering of dead farmers will be rewarded. Because of its wealth, traffic princes, power over the official position, in order to facilitate competition. Take the road of Wan Li, walk in opposite directions, make full use of fertility, and drag on. Therefore, the merchants annexed the peasants, who were also exiles. Now the law is cheap for businessmen, and businessmen have money; Respect farmers, farmers are poor. Therefore, the vulgar is expensive, and the Lord is also cheap; Humble officials are respected by law. On the contrary, you like it, you don't like it, but you want to make the country rich and powerful, and you want to legislate, you can't get it.
Jin Fang's task is to make people farm. Want people to farm, lies in your millet. The way to value millet is to make people take millet as reward and punishment. Recruiting local county officials today can make them worship and get rid of evil. In this way, the rich have titles, farmers have money, and millet has flavor. If the husband can get the title of Xiaomi, there will be more than one. If we are inexhaustible, then the poor will suffer. The so-called losses are more than enough to make up for the shortcomings. Those who make it benefit the people. To comply with public opinion, there are three supplements: first, the main use is enough, second, the people make less friends, and third, the peasants and workers are advised. This order: the people have a car to ride, and three people retreat. The rider of the car is world-class, so he is a retired soldier. Shennongjiao said, "Shicheng has ten hills, Tang Chi has a hundred steps, and its armor is a million. The millet is dead, so you can stay." From this point of view, King Ji Xia is of great use and is also the main task of politics. It is a compound ear to make the people into the millet and receive the title, which is above the five doctors. This is a far cry from riding a horse. Jue, good at his things, died of poverty; Millet, planted by the people, born in the field, is not lacking. A husband has a high official position and a generous salary, and he is exempt from punishment. People want nothing. Make the world into millet, so as to avoid punishment, and at the age of three, there will be more millet under the plug.
(Sparse: an ancient style, which is an ancient courtier's performance of the emperor, equivalent to the proposal of later generations)
A wise monarch is above (governing the country), and the reason why people are not hungry and cold is not that the monarch can grow food for the people and weave cloth for them to wear, but (but) develop material wealth for the people. Therefore, there were nine years of floods in Yao and Yu, and seven years of droughts in Tang, but there were no abandoned and emaciated people in China. (Yes) Because of the large grain reserves, adequate preventive measures have been taken in advance. Now that the whole country is unified, the land and population are no less than those of Tang and Yu. In addition, there have been no floods and droughts for several years, but the grain reserves have not kept up with Yu and Tang. Why? The benefits left by the land are still there (that is, the land has not been fully utilized), the people still have redundant potential, the land that can produce food has not been completely reclaimed, the resources of mountains and lakes have not been fully utilized, and the vagrants (referring to businessmen, skills, lobbyists and other people who do business for a living but are not engaged in agricultural production) have not fully returned to agricultural production.
When people are poor, there will be bad people. Poverty is due to lack of food, and food is due to lack of farming. If you don't farm, you won't settle in the countryside for a long time. If you don't settle in the countryside for a long time, you will leave your hometown and look down on your home. Ordinary people wander and fly around like birds and animals, and they are unconstrained. Even if there are high walls and deep ditches, strict laws and heavy penalties can't be banned. When people are cold, you don't have to have light and warm clothes to wear. When people are hungry, they don't have to have something delicious to eat. When people are hungry and cold, they will disregard shame. People will be hungry if they don't eat two meals a day, and they will be cold without clothes at the end of the year. This is human nature. I am too hungry to find food, too cold to find clothes, and even a loving mother can't keep her children (that is, the children will leave their parents). How can a monarch have his people? The wise monarch knew this truth well, so he asked the people to do their best to engage in agricultural production, reduce taxes and increase savings to enrich the granary and guard against floods and droughts, so as to win the hearts of the people.
The people depend on how the emperor manages them, and go to the land of wealth, just like water rushing to the lower places, there is no choice between east, west, north and south. Those pearls, jade, gold and silver can't be eaten when hungry or worn when cold, but people value them because the monarch uses them. As articles, these things are easy to collect, can be put in the palm of your hand, and can travel all over the country without worrying about starvation and freezing to death. This makes it easy for courtiers to leave their country, while people can easily leave their hometown, thieves are encouraged, and fugitives get portable assets that are easy to carry. Agricultural products, such as grain and Sang Ma, can't be completed in one day if they grow in the ground, in good times and in strength. The weight of a few stones (ancient measuring device, ten buckets for one stone, weighing 120 Jin) is very affordable, so (therefore) it is not valued by the bad guys (profit: it is used for conation and regarded as beneficial), but (but) if it is not available for a day, it will be hungry and cold, so the wise monarch regards the grain as very valuable and the gold and jade as very contemptible.
At present, a peasant family of five people, with at least two people serving the government, can cultivate no more than 100 mu of land. /kloc-the yield of 0/00 mu of land shall not exceed 100 stone. Sowing in spring, weeding in summer, harvesting in autumn, storing in winter, chopping wood, repairing yamen and serving hard labor. Spring can't escape sand and dust, summer can't escape the heat, autumn can't escape the rain, winter can't escape the cold and freezing, and there is no day off all year round. There are also private (relative to public) visits, mourning for the dead, taking care of the sick, raising orphans and weak children. , which has to include four seasons without rest (long: used as an incentive to improve ... adult), and work hard like this. (Fu Shang: used with adverbs) also suffered from floods and droughts, and was squeezed by urgent tax collection (politics: tax collection). There is no certain time to collect taxes (meaning that they are collected frequently and often cannot be collected within a certain period of time), so they are revised at 8: 00 in the morning and at night. When it comes to preparation (the main taxes in the Western Han Dynasty are paid with money, and corvees can also be paid with money), corn is sold at half price on hand, and farmers who have no food are charged a high interest equal to their capital (double: double, meaning that the interest is twice that of capital). So there are people who sell land and houses and sell their children and grandchildren to pay their debts. While big businessmen hoard goods, which makes profits multiply (i.e. profiteering) (profit: here refers to profit), while small businessmen open stores to sell, control those surplus goods (here refers to a large number of hoarded goods) (odd number: remainder) and spy on quotations everywhere in the market every day. While the imperial government is in urgent need, the commodity price of * * * will inevitably double. So their men don't engage in agricultural production, and their women don't raise silkworms for weaving. They must wear gorgeous clothes and eat polished rice and fish. Without the hardships of farmers, they sit and enjoy the benefits of farming. With their wealth, they made friends with princes and nobles, and their ability exceeded the power of ordinary officials. (Merchants) compete with each other by virtue of their personal financial resources. On Wan Li Road, businessmen take carriages to and from the highway, and there is an endless stream (cover; Car cover, the top cover used to shelter from the wind, rain and sunshine in ancient times, is like an umbrella), riding a real car, whipping fat horses and wearing silk shoes and long silk clothes. This is the reason why businessmen annexed farmers and farmers were displaced. Nowadays, the law regards businessmen as humble (that is, contemptuous), but businessmen have become rich; Farmers are respected, but they are already in a poor and humble position. Therefore, what the secular society sees (businessmen) is precisely the people despised by the monarch; Officials despise (farmers) people who are respected by the law. On the other hand, (I) refers to "the Lord" and "the law" (II) refers to "the vulgar" and "the official". The attitudes of the upper and lower levels towards agriculture and commerce are conflicting, but it is impossible to hope that the country will be rich and strong and the legal system will be established.
Nothing is more important than letting people engage in agricultural production. The purpose of asking people to engage in agricultural production is to make food valuable. The way to attach importance to food is to use it to express rewards and punishments. Now we call on the people of the whole country to donate grain to the imperial court (county magistrate: the name of the emperor or the imperial court in the Han Dynasty), so that the grain donors can be knighted and exempted from crime and punishment. In this way, the rich have titles, farmers have money, and food can be circulated. Those who can get a title for food are those who have extra food to eat. If you get some food from people with surplus grain for the government to use, the tax revenue of poor farmers can be reduced. This is the so-called cutting surplus to fill vacancy. When the order is given, the people will benefit. In this way, it complied with the wishes of the people and added three benefits: first, the things needed by the monarch (in this case, corn and other food) were sufficient; second, the people's taxes were reduced; and third, agricultural production was encouraged. According to the current law, the person who owns a horse can be exempted from the corvee of three people. The car you ride is a national armament (materials needed for war), so you can avoid corvee. Shennong (the emperor in ancient legend) taught: "There is a stone wall ten feet high, a moat with boiling water is a hundred paces away (step: the ancient unit of measuring length, six feet is a step), and there are millions of armored soldiers, but there is no food, so they can't hold it." From this perspective, food is what people who rule the world need most, and it is the fundamental task of governing the country and ensuring peace. Asking ordinary people to pay grain and granting titles of more than five grades (meaning that entering millet is more important than entering a horse) to exempt a person from corvee is far from achieving the effect of providing war horses for the country. The title of title is exclusive to the emperor. As long as the emperor opens his mouth, he can feed people endlessly. Food is planted by ordinary people, and the land can't grow up. And it is very desirable to get a high title and avoid punishment. Let the world send food to the frontier and use it to get a title and be exempted from crime and punishment. Within three years, the grain in the frontier fortress (referring to the Great Wall generation in the north at that time) will definitely increase.