SASO is the abbreviation of Saudi Arabian Standards Organization, namely Saudi Arabian Standards Organization. SASO is responsible for formulating national standards for all daily necessities and products, and the standards also involve measurement systems, labels, etc. In fact, many SASO standards are based on the safety standards of international organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Like many other countries, Saudi Arabia has added some unique items to the standard according to its own civil and industrial voltage, geographical and climatic environment, ethnic and religious habits, etc. In order to protect consumers, SASO standard is applicable not only to products imported from abroad, but also to products produced in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Industry and Commerce and SASO require all products that meet SASO certification standards to have SASO certification when entering Saudi customs. Products without SASO certificate will be refused entry by Saudi port customs.
ICCP provides exporters or manufacturers with three ways to obtain CoC certificates. Customers can choose the most suitable way according to the nature of their products, the degree of compliance with standards and the frequency of shipment. CoC certificate is issued by Saso National Office (SCO) authorized by SASO or Pai National Office (PCO) authorized by PAI.