Additional identification method:
Identification method of true and false pearls;
Look at this hole:
There is a layered structure in the perforated hole of pearl;
The substance on the surface of the imitation bead is beryllium, and you can see the glass or plastic core after careful inspection.
Touch method:
Pearl hands feel cool;
Imitation beads feel slippery.
Teeth method:
Pearl teeth have no smooth feeling when biting or rubbing on glass, and often have protrusions, sand grains and white powder;
Beaded teeth have a smooth feeling, and the coating will partially fall off when biting hard.
Friction method:
Pearls rub against each other with two pearls, and the real pearl is the one that feels rough and sandy;
Imitate pearls and slide each other. They are all fake pearls.
Intuitive method:
Pearls have natural rainbow light. In a string of necklaces, their sizes and shapes are irregular, and the surface can generally be seen with the naked eye (except rare black pearls and Nanyang pearls, which are invisible to the naked eye). Because it is a natural product, it can't be as absolute as machine mold casting;
Imitation beads are mostly spherical, with very uniform iridescence and luster, which looks "fake".
Magnifying observation method:
Observing the pearl surface with a magnifying glass of ten times, we can see that the sand dune-like shape blown by the wind is a real pearl, and the egg-like uneven surface is an artificial pearl.
Imitation beads can only see the uniform coating like eggshells.
Bouncing method:
Pearl dropped the pearl on the glass from a height of 60 cm, and the rebound height was 35 cm.
Under the same conditions, the rebound of imitation beads is poor
Finally, the most important thing I can teach you is that when buying pearls, you must buy them from brand manufacturers or merchants. Not only will you not be deceived into buying fake pearls, but you will definitely buy "heart water" pearls with better cost performance!
There are really few pearls without flaws, but the different flaws of each pearl are precisely the birthmarks that distinguish it from other pearls, thus giving it a unique identity. Such pearls with "identity" are real jewels and luxury goods that only belong to you.