It has a diamond core with a diameter of 3000 kilometers. Its weight is 2.27 trillion tons, which is converted into the unit we calculate diamonds, which is the 34th power carat of 10. The largest diamond on the earth is the 530-carat "Star of Africa", which is one of the jewels in the British crown. But the outer layer of this planet is covered with hydrogen and helium, and this cosmic gem is hidden under these gases. "It is the mother of diamonds. Some even say it's Lucy in the Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Astronomer Travis Metcalfe said that a team he led was observing and studying the planet. Astronomers know its internal structure from its pulses. Lucy beats regularly. Dr Metcalfe said: "It is by observing its pulsation that we know the interior of the white dwarf, just as geologists study the interior of the earth with seismographs. We found that the carbon inside this white dwarf has crystallized into the largest diamond in the galaxy. "Mitka and his colleagues-Michael Montgomery of Cambridge University, Antonio Kana of the Federal University of santa catarina, Brazil, and astronomer Don wingate of the University of Texas found that when a white dwarf has not completely cooled down, that is, its surface can still detect the frequency of light and sound, but inside it, it has already started to" show a diamond shape ". Montgomery, an astronomer at Cambridge University in England, said: "The search for the crystal nucleus of white dwarfs has been going on for decades, but only recently have we found conclusive evidence. "By observing the" pulse beat "of white dwarfs, scientists can study the interior of white dwarfs in a way similar to studying the core with seismographs. Through the data obtained from research, scientists found that the interior of "BPM37093" has indeed solidified into a "giant diamond".
Most known white dwarfs are smaller than the sun, however, "BPM37093" is only a little bigger than the sun, and it is the largest known white dwarf. "You may need a magnifying glass as big as the sun to evaluate the grade of this diamond," Mitka said. This is not a real diamond, but it is very similar in structure. It is reported that this fascinating celestial body, the white dwarf BPM37093, is located in Sagittarius, 50 light years away from the Earth. Obviously, even the bravest treasure hunters on earth can only sigh at the ocean. But according to scientists, "BPM37093" is not a real "diamond". Don Wingate, an astronomer at the University of Texas, said, "In fact, its internal structure is not exactly the same as that of a diamond, but it is very close." Hope to adopt ~ ~