Once upon a time, people from a small country came to China to pay tribute to three identical gold people. The golden wall was brilliant and the emperor was very happy. However, the people of this small country are not kind, and at the same time, a question arises: who is the most valuable of these three gold people? The emperor thought of many ways to invite a jeweler to check and weigh it to see if the workmanship was the same. What shall we do? The messenger is still waiting for a return. A vast country, you don't even understand this little thing? Finally, an old minister who abdicated said that he had an idea. The emperor invited the emissary to the main hall, and the old minister confidently took three straws and inserted them into the ear of the first gold man. The straw came out of the other ear. The straw of the second gold man fell out directly from his mouth, and the straw of the third gold man fell into his stomach without any noise. The old minister said: the third gold man is the most valuable! The messenger was silent and the answer was correct. Trust [America] David Wesker It sometimes takes many years to trust a person. Therefore, some people have never really trusted anyone all their lives. It's meaningless if you only trust those who can please you. If you believe everyone you meet, you are a fool; If you trust someone without hesitation and in a hurry, you may be betrayed by the person you trust so quickly; If you trust a person only for some superficial need, then annoying suspicion and betrayal may follow immediately; But if you dare not trust someone who is worthy of your trust, you will never get the sweetness of love and the warmth of the world, and your life will be bleak. Trust is a feeling of life, trust is also a noble emotion, and trust is the bond between people. You have an obligation to trust another person unless you can prove that that person is not worthy of your trust; You also have the right to be trusted by another person, unless you are proved to be untrustworthy. The Way to Success Author: As soon as the radio station invited the business wizard to be the guest host, I was very eager to hear him talk about the way to success. But he just smiled and said, "Let's test you when you debut." "A gold mine was discovered somewhere, and people flocked to it. However, a big river blocked the only way. What would you do? " Some people say to take a detour, others say to swim. But he smiled and said nothing. For a long time, he said, "Why do you have to go for gold? Why can't I buy a boat to operate? " We were surprised. However, he said that in that case, passengers only have a pair of shorts left, and they will be willing. Because there is a gold mine ahead! ""do what others don't want to do, do what others don't want to do. "This is the road to success. Difficulties often mean potential opportunities in the eyes of wise people, but we never thought about them. Choose three people to be put in prison for three years, and the warden gives each of them a request. Americans love to smoke cigars and asked for three boxes of cigars. The French are the most romantic and want to be accompanied by beautiful women. The Jew said he wanted a telephone to communicate with the outside world. Three years later, the first person who rushed out was an American, with a cigar in his mouth and shouting, "Give me a fire, give me a fire!" " "It turned out that he forgot to make a fire. Then the French came. I saw a child in his hand, a beautiful woman holding a child in her hand and a third one in her belly. Finally, the Jews came out. He held the warden's hand tightly and said, "I have been in contact with the outside world every day for three years." My business has not stopped, but has increased by 200%. To express my gratitude, I send you an old Schleswig! " This story tells us that what kind of choice determines what kind of life. Today's life is determined by our choices three years ago, and today's choices will determine our life three years later. We should choose to get in touch with the latest information and understand the latest trends, so as to create our own future better. In the department store, a poor woman was beating around the bush with a boy about four years old. Walking to a quick camera, the child took his mother's hand and said, "Mom, let me take a picture." The mother bent down, put the hair on the child's forehead aside and said kindly, "Don't take pictures, your clothes are too worn out." The child was silent for a while, looked up and said, "But, mom, I will still greet him with a smile." The snail asked his mother: Why do we have to bear this hard and heavy shell at birth? Mom: Because our bodies have no bones to support, we can only climb, but we can't climb fast. So we need the protection of this shell! Snail: Sister Caterpillar has no bones and can't climb fast. Why doesn't she have to carry this hard and heavy shell? Mom: Because sister caterpillar can become a butterfly, the sky will protect her. Snail: but brother earthworm can't climb fast without bones, and he won't become a butterfly. Why doesn't he carry this hard and heavy shell? Mom: Because Brother Earthworm can drill soil, the earth will protect him. The little snail began to cry: we are so poor that the sky is unprotected and the land is unprotected. Mother snail comforted him: "so we have shells!" We don't rely on the sky, we don't rely on the ground, we rely on ourselves. Love Rubik's Cube Author: Rosie I like this story very much: A girl said to a man, "If you like me, please stay under the balcony 100 days, and I will come downstairs to pick you up. "Only one day before the deadline. The girl tapped on the curtain and peeped at the man who had been sitting there motionless for three months, and at this moment, he was about to get up and leave. After 99 days, the man was impatient, and he properly expressed his affection and dignity. A lover is sometimes like a loyal servant, but a lover cannot regard himself as an emperor. True love has no emperors and slaves, only equality and dignity. God can only hold half of the author: Luo Qiuju From the moment you were born, you were destined to go back. The twists and turns in the middle, smooth and happy, are all your destiny. Fate is always with you all the time. Don't be afraid of its mystery, although it is sometimes unfathomable; Don't be afraid of its impermanence, although sometimes it comes and goes without a trace. Don't bow to fate because it is grotesque and be at its mercy. When you are old and look back, you will find that half of your destiny is in your hands, and only the other half is in God's hands. Your life is to use what you have in your hand to get what God has. The more extraordinary your efforts are, the bigger your half will be, and the more you will gain. When you are completely desperate, don't forget that you own half of your destiny; When you get carried away, don't forget that God still has half his destiny. Your life's effort is: use your own half to get the half in God's hand. This is the arrangement of fate; This is the fate of life. The true meaning of happiness in life, we often see some people optimistic and others pessimistic. Why? In fact, the world we live in is not different, but we have different attitudes towards life. The best illustration of this problem is a sign I saw in front of a doughnut shop, which said, "The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is very subtle: the optimist sees the doughnut, while the pessimist sees the small hole in the doughnut." This short and humorous sentence reveals the essence of happiness. In fact, what people see with their eyes is often not the whole picture of things, but what they want to seek. Optimists and pessimists pursue different things, so they take two different attitudes towards the same thing. One day, I stood in front of the counter of a jewelry store and put a package with some books beside it. When a well-dressed and handsome man came in and began to look at the jewels on the counter, I moved my bag politely, but the man looked at me angrily. He said he was an honest man and had no intention of stealing my bag. Feeling insulted, he slammed the door and walked out of the jewelry store. I am surprised that such an unintentional move should cause him to be so angry. Later, I learned that this man and I seem to live in two different worlds. In fact, the world is the same. The difference is that he and I have completely opposite views on things. One morning a few days later, I woke up in a bad mood. I thought this day would be spent in a monotonous routine, and I felt how boring and boring the world was. When I was crowded in the dense traffic jam and slowly drove to the city center, I was full of resentment and thought: Why do so many idiots get driver's licenses? They drive too fast or too slow, and few people drive during rush hours. These people should have their driving licenses revoked. Later, I came to an intersection with a big truck at the same time, and I thought, "This guy is driving a big car, and he will definitely take it straight." But just then, the truck driver put his head out of the window, waved to me and gave me a cheerful and happy smile. When I drove away from the intersection, my anger suddenly disappeared completely and my mind was suddenly enlightened. The truck driver's behavior made me feel like I was in another world. But in fact, the world remains the same, and the only difference is our attitude. Everyone will have similar episodes in life, and these episodes are the best way for us to pursue happiness. To live happily, you must first change your attitude. I think this is the true meaning of happiness!
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