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Datta? Video Introduction of Kush Temple (Sinking Assistant)
. pc_wap_video iframe,。 pc_wap_video embed,。 Pc_wap_video object {width: 640px; Height: 520px}@media(max-width:600px){. pc_wap_video iframe,。 pc_wap_video embed,。 Pc_wap_video object {width: 300px; Height: 260px}} 1. Temple location: Temple Island in wetland.
There is a pool in front of the temple. You can dig out the gems in the iron pot with a magnet, and then shake them into the nearby mechanism.
3. Then open the floodgate and continue to scoop it on the organ (the iron pot should be brought from the outside by itself).
Put the wok at the bottom of the water, and the jewelry will fall into the water.
5. Let the water in the pool disappear, and pay attention to the treasure chest in the pool outside.
6. Then you can cross the pool inside.