Chu Huaiwang detained Zhang Yi in classical Chinese: Chu Huaiwang detained Zhang Yi to kill him. At this moment, Wang Huai minister Shi Shang said to Wang Huai, "The king of Qin must be very angry when he put Zhang Yi in prison. When the princes of the world saw that Chu had lost its ally Qin, the status of Chu would be low. " Then Sishang said to Wang Huai's favorite princess Zheng Xiu, "Do you know that you will soon fall out of favor with the king?"
Zheng Xiu said, "Why?" The Shanxi merchants said, "Zhang Yi is a loyal minister of the King of Qin. Now that Chu is holding him in prison, Qin will definitely ask Chu to release Zhang Yi. The king of Qin had a beautiful princess, and in order to make her happy, he chose a beautiful, playful and musical maid-in-waiting as his dowry.
In addition, the king of Qin also married all kinds of gold and jade jewels, which were given to her by six counties in Shang Yong as a place of enjoyment. This time, I just want Zhang Yi to be the wife of the King of Chu. The king must love Princess Qin very much, and Princess Qin also relies on Qiang Qin to improve her social status. At the same time, she runs around with jewels as her capital and is bound to become the king's wife.
I. Chu Huaiwang
Chu Huaiwang Xiong Huai (? -296 BC) Mi surnamed Xiong, the son of, the father of King Xiang of Chu, and the monarch of Chu during the Warring States Period. In the 11th year of Chu Weiwang (329 BC), Chu Weiwang died and Xiong Huai succeeded to the throne, which was called "Chu Huaiwang" in history. During his reign, Qu Yuan was appointed as an exception to reform, but the reform was abandoned halfway.
Chu Huaiwang defeated Wei and captured eight cities in six years (the first 323 years). In the 11th year of Chu Huaiwang (the first 3 18), he was the leader of the five-nation alliance and jointly attacked Qin. In the 23rd year (306 BC), Chu Huaiwang perished, crossed the country and extended its territory to Jiangdong. But he also launched the battle of Lantian in Danyang in the 17th year of Chu Huaiwang (the first 3 12), which led to the loss of troops and the fall of Hanzhong.
In the 28th year of Chu Huaiwang (the first 30 years1year), it was defeated in the battle of suspended sand, and the land was abandoned. In the 30th year of Chu Huaiwang (299 BC), he joined forces in Wuguan. Qin detained him and coerced him to cede Wujun and Qianzhong County, but he flatly refused.
Second, the historical evaluation
Qu Yuan: It is said that at dusk, we will take another road, because we are in the middle of the road. At first, I talked to Yu Chengyan, and I regretted having him. You can think but you can't rely on it. The only thing that counts is that Sun was so angry that he hurt the rest of his heart. It's wonderful for me, but I quit and didn't listen. With a loving heart, there is no horse. Bole is dead, how can he ride?