2. I heard that officials were discussing the dismissal of Ke Qingshi, but privately they thought it was wrong. Once upon a time, Qin Mugong looked for wise men, the West got Yu Yu from Xirong, and the East got Prissy from Wandi. He also welcomed Jian Shu of Song State and recruited Pi Bao and Gong Sunzhi of Jin State. None of these five sages were from Qin, but Qin Mugong attached great importance to them and annexed more than 20 countries, thus dominating Xirong. Qin Xiaogong adopted Shang Yang's new law, changing customs, making the people rich and the country prosperous. The people are willing to serve the country, and the princes attach it. They defeated the armies of Chu and Wei and occupied thousands of miles of land. So far, they have achieved political stability and strong national strength. King Hui of Qin adopted Zhang Yi's strategy to capture Sanchuan area, merge Bashu in the west, take counties in the north, take Hanzhong in the south, sweep all the departments of Jiuyi, control the land of Yanying, occupy the natural barrier of elevation in the east, and divide the fertile soil, thus disintegrating the vertical and horizontal alliance of the six countries and making it serve Qin in the west, which has continued to this day. Got it, deposed Hou, expelled Hua Yangjun, strengthened and consolidated the power of the royal family, blocked the situation of monopoly of politics by powerful people, encroached on the territory of governors, and made Qin achieve the great cause of emperors. These four monarchs all owe their lives to Ke Qingshi. From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with Qin! If the four monarchs refuse to accept distant guests and alienate the wise men without being appointed, this will make the country have no rich strength and the Qin State have no strong reputation.
The beautiful jade your majesty sent to Kunshan has a pearl in the palace, a jewel in He Shen and a jewel in the bright moon. Artest has a sword, a rare thin horse, a flag decorated with jade feathers and a good drum covered with ghost catfish skin. None of these precious things were made by Qin, but your majesty likes them very much. Why? If it must be produced in Qin state before it can be used, then this luminous Baoyu will never become the decoration of Qin court; Articles carved with rhinoceros horn and ivory will not become your majesty's playthings; Women who can sing and dance well by Zheng and Wei will not fill your majesty's harem; Famous horses in the north will never enrich your stables; Suk Kim in the south of the Yangtze River will not be used by your majesty, nor will painters in the west of Sichuan be used as decorations. If these things are used to decorate the harem, serve the concubines widely, and are pleasing to the ear, and can only be used if they are planted and produced by the State of Qin, then the hairpins inlaid with precious stones, jade pendants hanging on the ears, silk clothes and gorgeous decorations will not be presented to your majesty; Those enchanting beauties who are leisurely and elegant and can do as the Romans do will not stand beside your majesty. Knocking on the earth, tapping the mustache and playing the piano, and singing in the dark are really authentic music of Qin State. The songs between Zheng and Wei Sang and Wuxiang are foreign music. Now, your majesty has abandoned Qin's real fight against Tao Le. What he wants is not Qin Zheng, but Yu Shao. Why? Isn't it because foreign music can meet the needs of eyes and ears? But your majesty will not treat his servants like this. He didn't ask if he was free. Regardless of merits and demerits, anyone who is not Qin should leave and all guests should be expelled. Doing so shows that your majesty only values jade tune; What they despise is the people. This is not the way to control the world and subdue the princes! It is said that soldiers with vast territory, large population, big country and large population are brave. Therefore, Taishan does not refuse the soil, so it can become high; Rivers, lakes and seas do not abandon the trickle, so it can achieve its profundity; People who are interested in building Wang Ye don't hate people, so they can show their virtues. The old land is divided into east, west, north and south, and the people are rich all year round, protected by the gods of heaven and earth. This is also the reason why the five emperors and three kings are unparalleled. Abandoning the people to help the enemy and refusing the guests to serve the king made the wise men in the world retreat and dare not go west, which is called "borrowing weapons from the enemy and sending food to the thief." The article is not produced in the state of Qin, but there are many precious ones; Many wise men were not born in Qin, but were willing to be loyal. Nowadays, it is impossible to seek a country without danger by helping the enemy, reducing people's wealth, creating emptiness at home and building resentment among princes abroad.