When we find the north, we will count three squares along the north, and then dig down vertically to the number of possible layers of diamonds. In this area, diamonds will exist.
Brief content
Lapis lazuli is a mineral used to make blue dyes and decorations. Similar to coal, ruby and diamond ore, this mineral immediately falls off from the usable finished product without synthesis or firing. Will drop 4 to 8 lapis lazuli, which can be used to synthesize lapis lazuli or enchant.
Lapis lazuli, inspired by the mineral of the same name, is a precious gem unanimously recognized in history. Lapis lazuli is best mined with a stone pick or a higher pick. Generally, it is mined in the stratum below 3 1, and gold is similar. Lapis lazuli is most concentrated at heights of 13 and 16.
In this place, lapis lazuli accounts for about 0.083 of all stones. The distribution rate rises and falls linearly from 35 to these two heights until 0.