It should be said that its fragrance is as quiet as an orchid, but its appearance and sound are fresher than jewelry.
"Wu said to Du Fu," Fenfu is a monster. Say the text: rest, rest also. As soon as I say it, the more I vent my anger. "Book of Rites" said: In the past, a gentleman was better than jade, and the sound of knocking was louder and longer. Zheng Xuan said: "The more you go, the better."
It is probably said: "There is a poem in the capital of Wu: incense makes people want to rest." . One explanation is: interest, interest also. (rest is rest. There is another saying: the more you vent, the more you vent. The more you rest, the more boring you get. The Book of Rites says: In the past, a gentleman was better than a jade, and the sound of knocking became louder and louder. In the past, people with high moral character always compared themselves to jade. When you knock on the door, its sound is clear and long. Zheng Xuan added: The more, the better. (The more, the more melodious. Among them, the word "Youyang" is a typo, that is, a common word, which was misspelled by Zheng Xuan)
I went through it myself. . . . Read it if you can understand it. . I don't understand. . Then neither can i.