Urgent! ! ! Some things about English common sense!
The prefix re- re- is one of the most commonly used prefixes. It can be added before nouns or verbs to form new nouns or verbs. Restatement of the following three aspects: 1. It means "back" or "backward". For example, Return Recall Withdraw 2. It means "again", "again" and "repeat". For example, review reunion, restart reconstruction 3. It means "opposition" and "opposition". For example: rebel reverse II. The prefixes de- and disde- come come from Latin, which means "away", so one of the meanings of this prefix is "leaving" and "going out". The words it forms have certain regularity, often expressing the deep concept of "leaving", and often collocating with prepositions such as from, for example, dethrone (dethrone) deport (deportation) deduce (deduction) Detroit (derailment) to delete his name from the list of members. The train will leave from platform 2. This train will leave from platform 2. In addition, the prefix de- also means "remove", "cancel", "deny", "no" and "contrary". De-colonizing and devaluing, he was demoted from public office. He has been dismissed from public office. He got off the taxi. He got off the taxi. The prefix dis- is homologous to the prefix de- and also comes from Latin, which means separation. Dis- means "nothing" and "nothing", so it is added before some verbs or nouns to form antonyms. For example, "dishonesty" disappears (disappears) obstacles-also refers to "cancel", "clear", "separate", "leave" and "disperse". Words composed of these meanings are often used with from and so on. He discounted the price of a car by 15%. He gave the car a discount of 15%. Don't distract him from his work. In addition, dis- can can also mean "opposite action" or reinforce meaning, and the words formed by it are often collocated with from and so on. The following examples all mean "reaction". He was discharged from the hospital. He was discharged from the hospital. Three. Prefixes in- and im-, il-, ir- they are like four brothers, and they are all negative prefixes. It means "no, no, no" and other negative meanings. 1. The negative prefix of words starting with the letters b, m and p is im-. For example: unbalanced (unbalanced) immoral (immoral) impossible (impossible) 2. Words beginning with the letter l use il-; The word that begins with the letter r is ir-. For example: illegal (illegal) illogical (illogical) irregular (irrelevant) 3. In- starts with another letter. For example: inhumane injustice (inseparable) inseparable (incorrect) ⅳ. The prefix ex- ex- has two meanings: 1. It means "out", "outside" and "out". For example, export extract exclude 2. It means "before, before". For example, the ex-husband of the former president and former soldier sued, and the prefix anti-anti stands for "opposition", "opposition" or "prevention". For example: anti-war, anti-colonialism, anti-fascist and anti-missile ⅵ. The prefixes macro- and micro- macro- and micro- are a pair of prefixes with opposite meanings, and macro- stands for "macro and big"; Micro-means "micro". For example: macroworld (Macroeconomics) macroscale (Microscope) microworld (Microelement) VII. The prefix trans- trans- has two meanings: 1. It means "transformation" and "transformation". For example: transport (transportation-from one place to another) transplant (translation-from one language to another) trans- form 2. It means "beyond", "across" and "beyond". For example: transcentury trans century transcontinental tele stands for the distance. For example, telephone, telegram. A-/an- == No; No; Lack, amateur, anonymous, antisocial, echoless, disharmony, anarchism, no center, no morality, no morality, no sex, a-= = in; Open; at; By; Use; Yes, when you are asleep, you are asleep. In front of you, side by side in one breath, lying on the bed, blooming flowers a-/an- == In order to strengthen the meaning, wake up loudly, face the ground, be very tired, comment, announce, announce ab- == from; Away from, abnormal, foreign, abuse, absorption, off-axis, abend abnormal termination AC-= = at;; In order to, or to strengthen the meaning, I am used to doing habits, accounting, bookkeeping, authorizing trust, accompanying, cheering, cheering, and completing ad-= = to;; Orientation; Forwarding, advising, advocating, adjusting the tone, enrolling, and taking risks af-= = at;; In order to, or to strengthen the meaning, shock, shock, fear, attach attachments, paste, affirm, and indeed ag-= = at;; Two, two, amphibious vehicles, amphibious theater and open-air theater can be watched on both sides, Ante- == front, first, first, prototype, front harbor, foreign port, front room, reception room, prototype is earlier than reality, front stomach nausea = = objection, disgust, anti-freezing, anti-war, anti-imperialist, anti-imperialist, anti-war Chief. 2) Antique, Archbishop, Archaeology Archaeology, Antique, Antique as = = to Forward, Distribute and Send, Agree and Agree, Classify, Assimilate, Absorb, Guarantee, Guarantee, Unite, Unite at-= = at;; Yes, or the meaning of strengthening and extending, attrap traps and attest proved that attraction attracts auto-= = self;; Personally, automation, autograph, automatic alarm, self-criticism, automatic rotation, autobiography is-= = make or cause yes, confused, suitable is appropriate, belittle, make friends with friends, calm, fool cheat, fool is-= = to ..., decorate with ... (do something), be covered with powder ... Below ... before ... be- == strengthen and extend the meaning, arrival, arrival, splash, belaud praised bene- == good; Kindness, kindness, benevolent charity, interest, merit blessing, merit favor, kindness, interest &; Bicycle, bilateral, bimonthly, two-week, bicolor, bilingual by- == Side, Side, informal, agent, byroad Path, Off-the-road, bywork, alias, nickname circu- == around, circuit, cycle, travel around the world, considerate, global, circling around the poles. Co-operation * * * Co-operation, co-education, co-creation of unrest, compression, commemoration = = together, congruence and the same color, the same nature, contemporaries and = = strengthen or expand the meaning, end, end, confirm to make firm, consolidate, strengthen the opposition = = opposition, contradiction, controversial may cause controversy, counterclockwise, anti-missile anti-missile The relevance of illegal transactions, corradiate makes (light) * * * converge at one point, corresponding to conformity, corresponding to COR-= = to strengthen or expand the meaning, correct, correct, corrupt, corrupt, wrinkled counter = = opposite, counter-revolutionary reactionary, confrontational countermeasures, countercurrent, backward in the opposite direction, counterattack, counterattack, counterclaim. Derailment Derailment (train) = = Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Population Decrease, Devaluation ... Do it ... or just strengthen the meaning, limit it, strip it, describe it, describe it = = No, denationalize, demilitarize, demobilize = = Remove, cancel, destroy, desalt and remove salt. Cross, diameter, dialogue, diagnosis dif- == 1) separately. 2) no; On the contrary, diversion, divergence, divergence, divergence, divergence-= = No, no, on the contrary, I don't like it, I don't agree, I don't agree, I stop interrupting, I dismember, I don't believe it, I disprove it, I'm dishonest, I disprove it, I derogate from it, I blame it, I disappear, I don't remember to forget it, I'm uncomfortable, I'm incompetent, I'm incompetent = = Used to strengthen, disperse, separate, split, split, cut off, dispute spread, spread = separation, separation, dispersion, dispute, dissolution, dispersion, transfer, distribution, dispersion, dissipation, waste = sometimes used as di-, depression, depression, divorce, digression, dys- == bad, evil, difficult, dysfunction. Amblyopia e- == strengthen or emplane the meaning, evaluate, extend, estop describes in detail e- == out, out, eject out, out, emigrate, choose, emerge, erupt, escape ... Come in, get on the embus, embosom hides in his chest. Embedding it, embog makes it fall into ..., decorating it with ... embarn is wrapped with spices (preservatives), embarnk is built for protection, emba is fixed with bolts, and installation = = means to make it into a certain state, make it like ..., make it bow-shaped, give it power and authorization, empurple Ecology, ecosphere ecosystem, ecological extinction, ecological extinction ..., carried by train, encage in a cage. Encase loading, enplane flying, enca ve hide in the cave, register and enter the roster, ascend the throne, ascend the throne, worship and hide in the shrine, hug = make or become, make it into a certain state, make it like, make it become ... enable to endanger, inspire, inspire, expand, enrich, enslave, Slavery-= = use ... to do something, decorate with ..., match with ..., enchain is tied with a chain, enlace is tied with a belt, trap = = home is in front of the verb, which means to be in, or just to strengthen the meaning, close, close, entrust, force, ignite, wrap, involve, inspire and motivate Endo. Hmm; Yi, eugenics, eugenics, praise, emphemism, homophony has beautiful sound, evil diseases are easy to digest, eugenics, eugenics ex-= = out;; Exclusive does Non- include ... means to make, do, or strengthen, urge to make clean, improve, increase, torture, and make the painful dis- == cancel, remove, destroy, disintegrate, eradicate, eradicate, discourage, lose courage, take off your clothes, and disarm Dis-, IL-, IM-, In-. Adding such a prefix before a word will often form a new word with the opposite meaning. For example: additional appearance → disappearance → correct → incorrect guidance → misleading guidance → stop → non-stop: English prefixes in- and un- usually mean "no" or "contrary to …", so their derivatives generally have negative meanings. However, some derivatives composed of these two prefixes are not negative words, but are synonymous or similar to the root. Professor Zhou Haizhong, a famous scholar, cited several examples in the article "in-, un- does not necessarily mean" negation ",such as coming/incoming, habitat/habitat, loose/unloose, rip/unrip and so on. Although there are not many such derivatives, it is worth noting, so don't expect words to be meaningful.