The earliest records of female officials began in Zhou Li and Zhou Li Tianguan. Except that the son of heaven and the son of heaven are the same, the wife is the king behind, and she can't be an official. The other nine wives are not only the king's concubines, but also female officials in charge of all aspects.
Mrs. Jiu was in charge of women's school to teach women virtue, and sponsored the Emperor in various ceremonies. The woman was in charge of ceremony, guest and discipline, and the handsome female official washed the water. The woman was in charge of Wang Zhiyan's bed, and at the age of four, she served as a female servant. At the same time, she was a woman's assistant in various ceremonies. In addition, there are sacrifices, shrines and things related to ghosts and gods in the queen's palace of Zhu Na. Women's history is the ceremonial post of the queen, and it is the assistant and secretary of the queen's internal governance. In addition, under the leadership of eunuchs, there are women's wine, women's pulp, women's sugar, women's bamboo, women's acyl, women's salt and women's rights. These are the lowest-level palace officials who are engaged in specific work.
In the Qin and Han dynasties, there were no titles such as wife, lady and miss, and in the end, there was no mention of female officials. However, when describing the setting of female officials in Sui Shu, it is also said that it was "taken from the old instruments of Han and Jin Dynasties", which shows that there was a female official system in Han and Jin Dynasties, but it can only be put aside because the historians are unclear.
According to the records, female officials in the palace (also known as palace officials and female posts) are different from those in the imperial palace (namely, the imperial palace), and another system was established during Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Female officials are in charge of specific affairs in the palace, and their ranks are opposite to those of foreign officials. The first in charge of internal affairs, the official is more important than the secretary. Secondly, in the department, the supervisor, the waitress, the official is better than the second product. The third is the supervisor, female history, beauty, female history, female saint, female book history, book girl, little book girl and so on. The fourth is talent. For people, ambassadors, girls, courtiers and officials are all better than the four products. The lowest grade tsing yi, female wine, female salary, female food, female slave, official ratio five products.
During the reign of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, there were six departments, six departments and six codes, and he was in charge of harem affairs. Yang Di reformed this system to make it similar to Shangshu Province in the outer court, and established Shangliu Bureau to manage 24 departments. The sixth commercial bureau is Shangguan Bureau (in charge of communication, personnel, accounting, punishment, doorman, etc.). Shangyi Bureau (in charge of culture, education, music, protocol, praise, etc. ), Fu Shang Bureau (in charge of seals, clothes and weapons), Shanghai Municipal Bureau (in charge of food, meals and medicines) and Shanghai Municipal Bureau (in charge of housing, transportation, gardening and lighting, etc. These female officials have low tastes, ranging from five to six, and director-level officials range from six. As for female officials such as women's history, they are all foreign officials and there are no places.
Tang inherited the Sui system, and also set up six merchants and twenty-four divisions, with the same job experience as Sui. However, the Tang Dynasty was the highest time for female officials in China! !
During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, the harem also had the same female palace system as the Tang Dynasty. However, after Yongle, the palace was returned to the official position, and only the fourth department of Shanggong existed. "The history of the Ming dynasty. "Official History III": "Female officials. The sixth bureau went to the industrial bureau and led the fourth division: secretary, secretary, secretary and secretary. Shangyi Bureau is led by four divisions: Si Ji, Le Si, Si Bin, Si Zan and Tong Shi. Fu Shang Bureau is led by the fourth division: Bao Si, the first division, the first division, the first division and the first division ... The grain bureau led by Shang is divided into four divisions: grain division, pharmacy division, transportation division and grain division. Go to Qin Si, Lingsi 4: Sword, Yusi, Siyuan and Stern. The supply bureau is led by four divisions: division system, division town, division Cai, division plan and division justice. In the first year of Wu, there were six departments in the government. For five years, Hong Wu served as a division of six bureaus ... an organization called Gong Zheng. Six innings are divided into twenty-four divisions, each with two or four people. History of eighteen women. Seventeen years has changed the ranking of products. In 22 years, he was awarded a palace official. Those who work hard, or for five or six years, should go back to their parents and listen to their marriage. The old will come back, and those who are willing to stay will listen. If you are currently appointed, your family will give you money. After 27 years, she was reappointed. I voted and printed every six innings. After Yongle, the post was moved to eunuch. Only Shang Baosisi listens to the palace officials. "
It is the maid-in-waiting who is inferior to the female official. Palace ladies make up the majority of the harem. They have no place, no goods, for people to deploy, driven by people, and the situation is very lonely.