Violence: 1. Forge
640 crit level.
Forging gains are the highest among all majors.
2. Engineering
1920 power 10 sec /60 sec.
The income of the project is nearly twice that of the standard major, and it will greatly improve your execution. For the rage of a heart, the engineering effect is even better than forging.
480 crit level.
Skinning is very good for Titan's Berserker War. What is valuable is that it is an acquisition major.
4. tailor
4000 attack strength 15 seconds /55 seconds.
Tailors earn a little more than standard majors, but they don't need to wash tailors.
5. jewelry
320 crit level.
Because jewelry provides crit rating, the income under BIS is higher than that of standard majors, while the income of poor people when equipped is not as good as that of standard majors. Choose according to your own situation.
6. Standard major
320 power.
Standard majors include: inscriptions, leather making, enchantment and alchemy. Their income is completely equal.
Step 7 collect herbs
2880 rush for 20 seconds/120 seconds.
The rapid increase of the blood of life brings less benefits.
8. Mining
480 endurance.
Mining has little profit.
Weapons:? 1. Project
1920 power 10 sec /60 sec.
The income of the project is nearly twice that of the standard major, and it will greatly improve your execution (and help you plant a flag at the door [s:35]). However, the spring water cooled by 1 min sometimes conflicts with other ornaments.
2. tailor
4000 attack strength 15 seconds /55 seconds.
Tailors are an excellent choice for weapons warfare (well, they can also help you plant flags at the door [s:35]).
640 crit level.
Forgery income is slightly higher than the standard major.
4. Standard major
320 power.
Standard majors include: inscriptions, leather making, enchantment and alchemy. Their income is completely equal.
Collect herbs
2880 rush for 20 seconds/120 seconds.
The quick income of this version has increased, but the choice of herbs is still below average. Especially when your equipment foundation is poor.
480 crit level.
The income from peeling is lower than that from collecting herbs.
7. jewelry
320 crit level.
Jewelry can only choose yellow gemstones.
8. Mining
480 endurance.
Mining has little profit.
Quote NGA