Code a
0632 Accommodation Service Manager Accommodation Service Manager
Actors and comedians and comedians
122 1 administrative officer
0 1 14 Administrative Service Manager (Other)
03 12 administrators-junior college education and vocal music administrators-higher education/vocational education, etc.
2 146 aerospace engineer
2222 inspectors of agricultural and fishery products
Contractors or managers of agricultural and related services.
Agricultural representatives, consultants and experts Agricultural representatives/consultants/experts
227 1 Aviation pilots, flight engineers and flight instructors Aircraft pilots/flight engineers/flight instructors
Air traffic control and related occupation flight traffic control or related services.
Technicians and inspectors of aircraft instruments, electrical and avionics machinery, technicians and inspectors.
73 15 Aircraft Mechanic and Aircraft Inspector Aircraft Structure and Aircraft Inspector
Ambulance service personnel and other auxiliary medical personnel on duty and other auxiliary medical personnel.
523 1 announcers and announcers of other radio stations
Operators and managers of aquaculture 8257 Operators and managers of aquaculture
2 15 1 architect
225 1 Building technical experts and technicians, building experts and technicians
02 12 building and science manager
5 1 13 archivists and declarers
5244 Artisans and Handicraft Artisans and Handicraft Artisans
1235 appraisers, appraisers and appraisers auditors, appraisers and appraisers.
525 1 athletes
5225 Audio and video recording technician Audio and video recorder
Audiologists and speech pathologists audiologists and speech pathologists
5 12 1 author and writer
732 1 Automobile service technician, truck mechanic and mechanic repairman, automobile service mechanic, truck structure and mechanic repairman.
Code b
Baker 6252
0 122 bank, credit and other investment managers, credit and other investment managers.
Biotechnology experts and technicians Biotechnology experts and technicians
2 12 1 biologists and related scientists
Blacksmith and Moulder
7262 Boiler Manufacturer Boiler Manufacturer
123 1 bookkeeper bookkeeper
728 1 bricklayer bricklayer
5224 Broadcasting Technician Broadcasting Communication Technician
4 163 Business developers and marketing researchers and consultants Business developers and marketing researchers and consultants
0 123 Business Service Manager (Other) Business Service Manager (Other)
625 1 butchers and meat cutters-retail and wholesale
Code c
7272 furniture manufacturer furniture department
7247 Cable TV Service and Maintenance Technician
Cardiologist cardiologist
727 1 Carpenter and Woodworker
923 1 central control and process operator, mineral and metal processing central control and process operator, mineral and metal processing.
624 1 chef
2 134 chemical engineer chemical engineer
22 1 1 chemical technicians and technicians
2 1 12 chemist
3 122 chiropractor (chiropractor)
223 1 civil engineering technicians and technicians
2 13 1 civil engineer civil engineer
62 15 Cleaning Supervisor Cleaning Inspector
5252 coach coach
4 13 1 College and other professional tutors.
7382 commercial diver
0643 officer, armed forces officer, armed forces
064 1 appointment of police officers
42 12 Community and Social Service Workers Community and Social Service Workers
Computer and Information Systems Manager Computer and Information Systems Manager
228 1 computer and network operators and network technicians
2 147 computer engineer (except software engineer) computer engineer (except software)
2 174 Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers Computer Programmers and Interactive Multimedia Developers
7282 concrete leveler concrete leveler
5 132 conducting, composing and arranging, composing and arranging.
1226 meeting and event planner meeting and event planner
2224 Conservation and Fisheries Officer
5 1 12 Protecting the guardians of administrators and curators
2234 Building Estimator Engineer Estimator
2264 building inspector, engineering inspector
07 1 1 construction manager and engineering manager
73 1 1 Construction woodworking and industrial machinery (except textiles) Construction assembler and engineering structure installation (except textiles)
72 15 contractors and supervisors, carpentry contractors and supervisors, timber industry.
72 12 Contractors and Supervisors of Electrical Trade and Telecommunication, Electrical and Communication Trade.
72 17 contractors and supervisors, contractors and supervisors of heavy construction equipment group.
72 16 contractors and supervisors, contractors and supervisors of machinery trade, machinery trade.
72 14 Contractors and supervisors of metal forming, forming and installation industries, and metal forming, modeling and installation industries.
72 19 contractors and supervisors, other construction industries, installers, repairmen, contractors, supervisors, other construction industries, installation and maintenance.
72 13 contractors and supervisors, contractors and supervisors of pipeline fittings industry, pipeline industry.
6242 Chef Chef
1227 court officials and justices of the peace
1244 court reporters and transcripts of medical records; court reporters and typists of medical records
737 1 crane operator crane operator
1236 customs, ships and other brokers, customs, shipping and other agents.
Code d
5 134 dancers
Database Analyst and Data Administrator Database Analyst and Data Administrator
2273 deck officer, pilot of water transport ship, water transport
3222 dental hygienists and dental therapists, dental clinicians
3,223 dental technicians, technicians and laboratory dental technicians
Dentist dentist
322 1 Dentist Dentist
3 132 nutritionists and nutritionists
2253 Drawing technicians and technicians Drawing experts and technicians
7372 Drillers and Blasters D Drillers, Blasters, Opencast Mining, Quarrying and Construction.
62 14 Dry Cleaning and Laundry Supervisor Dry Cleaning and Laundry Manager
Code e
42 14 Early childhood educators and assistants
4 162 economists and economic policy researchers and analysts economists and economic policy researchers and analysts
5 122 editing
4 166 Educational policy researchers, consultants and project officials, educational policy researchers, consultants and project officials.
4 143 Education Counselor Education Advisor
7332 Electrical Service and Maintenance Personnel Electrical Service and Maintenance
224 1 electrical and electronic engineering technicians and technicians electronic and electrical engineering experts and technicians
2 133 electronic and electrical engineer electronic and electrical engineer
7333 electrical machinery electrical machinery
7244 Power Line and Cable Workers Transmission Line and Cable Workers
724 1 electrician (except industrial and power systems) electrician, in addition to industrial and power systems.
32 18 EEG and other diagnostic technicians, N.E.C EEG and other diagnostic technicians
2242 Electronic service technician (home and business) Electronic service technician (home or business)
73 18 elevator builders and mechanics
42 13 career counselor
2274 Engineering Officer, Water Transport Engineering Officer-Water Transport
2262 engineering inspectors and supervision officials, engineering supervision and adjustment officials
02 1 1 project manager project manager
1222 administrative assistant
62 13 executive housekeeper
Code f
072 1 Facility Operation Manager, Equipment Operation Manager
4 153 counselors related to family and marriage.
Farm Supervisors, Professional Livestock Workers and Professional Livestock Workers
825 1 farmers and farm managers farmers and farm managers
5222 Film and video camera operators Film and video photographers
1 1 12 financial and investment analyst.
1111financial auditors and accountants financial accountants and accountants
0 1 1 1 wealth management manager
1 1 14 financial personnel (others)
0642 Fire Chief and Senior Fire Officer Fire Chief and Senior Fire Officer
6262 fireman fireman
Fishery directors and officials fishery directors and officials
8262 Fishing boat masters and fishermen/female fishermen
7295 floor covering installer Floor installer
62 12 catering service supervisor
2 122 forestry professionals and forestry experts
2,223 forestry technical experts and technicians, forestry technical experts and technicians
Funeral undertaker and embalmer
Code g
7253 gas filter oiler
22 12 geological and mineral technical experts and technicians, geological and mineral technical experts and technicians.
2 144 geological engineer
2 1 13 geologists, geochemists and geophysicists, geographers and geophysicists.
7292 glass worker
04 12 government manager-economic analysis and policy making government manager-economic analysis and policy making.
04 13 government managers-education policy formulation and project management education policy formulation and planning government management
04 1 1 government manager-health and social policy formulation and plan management government manager-health and social policy formulation and plan management.
6234 grain elevator operator promotes grain operator
5223 Graphic Arts Technician Drawing Technician
524 1 graphic designer and illustrator
Code h
627 1 Hairstyles and hairdressers Hairstyles designers and hairdressers
3 15 1 head nurse and head nurse in charge
3 123 Health diagnosis and treatment (other professional occupations) Health diagnosis and treatment and other professional occupations.
4 165 Health policy researchers, consultants and project officials, health policy researchers, consultants and planning officials.
73 12 Heavy Equipment Mechanic
0 1 12 human resource manager
Code I
1228 immigration, employment insurance and income officials immigration, employment insurance and tax officials
2 14 1 industrial and manufacturing engineer industrial manufacturing engineer
2252 industrial designer
7242 industrial electrician industrial electrician
2233 industrial engineering and manufacturing technical experts and technicians
2243 industrial instrument technicians and technicians
Information systems analysts and consultants Information systems analysts and consultants
2,263 public and environmental health and occupational health and safety inspectors.
42 16 Lecturer (Other) Lecturer (Other)
42 15 teachers and teachers with disabilities
7293 insulator insulator
1233 insurance adjusters and claim examiners
623 1 Insurance agents and brokers
1234 insurance insurer
0 12 1 insurance, real estate and financial broker manager, insurance, real estate and financial manager.
5242 Interior Designer Decoration Designer
7264 steel workers
Code j
Jewelers, watch salesmen and related occupations, jewelers, watch repairmen and related occupations.
5 123 reporter
4 1 1 1 judges
1227 magistrate arbitrator
Code l
2,254 land survey technical experts and technicians, land survey technical experts and technicians.
Land Surveyor/Land Surveyor
2225 landscape and gardening technicians and experts topography and gardening technicians and experts
2 152 landscape architect landscape architect
8255 landscaping and ground maintenance contractors and managers landscaping and ground maintenance contractors and managers
4 1 12 lawyers and Quebec notaries and Quibeck notaries
1242 legal secrets legal secretary
00 1 legislator
5 1 1 1 librarian
52 1 1 technicians and assistants of books and archives, technicians and assistants of books and archives.
05 1 1 administrators of libraries, archives, museums and art galleries, and administrators of books, archives, museums and art galleries.
Nurse license intern nurse
1232 loan officer loan officer
824 1 logging machine operator logging machine operator
Code m
73 16 Machine assembler mechanic
723 1 machinist, machine tool inspector, machine tool inspector.
05 12 manager-manager of publishing, film, broadcasting and performing arts-publishing, animation, broadcasting and performing arts
03 1 1 manager in health care manager
04 14 public administrators (other) public administrators.
03 14 manager of social, community and corrective services.
Production manager production manager
Drawing and related technical experts and technicians draw maps and related technical experts and technicians.
2 16 1 mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries.
Mechanical engineering technical experts and technicians.
2 132 mechanical engineer
32 12 Medical Laboratory Technician Medical Experiment Technician
32 1 1 medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants, medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
Medical radiologist
1243 medical secrets medical secrets
32 16 Medical Ultrasound Physician Medical Spectrometer Operator
32 19 Medical technical experts and technicians (others-except oral health) Medical technical experts and technicians (and others except oral health).
Metallurgical and Materials Engineer Metallurgical and Materials Engineer
22 13 meteorological technicians
2 1 14 meteorologists
3,232 midwives and naturopathic practitioners
2 143 mining engineer mining engineer
4 154 minister of religion
5226 movies, radio (other technologies and co-ordination occupations), action movies and radio (other technologies and co-ordination occupations).
7322 Motor Vehicle Body Repairman Electric Vehicle Repairman
7334 motorcycles and other related mechanics motorcycles and related mechanics.
52 12 Museums and galleries (related technical occupations) Museums and art charts (related technical occupations)
Musicians and singers Musicians and singers
Code n
4 16 1 natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and project officials, natural and applied social policy researchers, consultants and planning officials.
226 1 NDT inspectors and NDT inspectors
Operators and managers of nurseries and greenhouses
Code o
Professional clinician
Oil and gas drilling workers, service personnel, testers and related staff, oil drilling, service, testing and related staff.
733 1 Heating Mechanics of Petroleum and Solid Fuel
323 1 optical instrument supplier
3 12 1 optometrist
Code p
7294 Painters and decorators Painters
5 136 painters, painters and other visual artists, painters, sculptors and other artists.
9234 Paper and Coating Control Operator Paper and Clothing Control Operator
42 1 1 paralegals and related occupations, lawyers, professional assistants and related occupations
5245 Graphic Designer-Graphic Designer for Textile, Leather and Fur Products-Textile, Leather and Fur Products
5232 performer (other) performer (and others)
1223 personnel and recruitment officers and recruitment officers
2 145 petroleum engineer
9232 Oil, gas and chemical processing operators Oil, gasoline and chemical processing operators
3 13 1 pharmacist
522 1 photographer photographer
2 1 15 physical science (other professional occupations) physical science (and other professional occupations)
3 1 12 physicians-general practitioners and family physicians-practicing physicians and family physicians
3 1 1 1 physician-specialist-expert
Physicists and astronomers Physicists and astronomers
3 142 physiotherapist
7252 Pipe Assembler Pipe Installer
Masons, drywall installers and decorators and masons
725 1 Plumber Plumber Plumber Plumber Plumber
626 1 Police officers (except entrustment) Police officers (except agency)
0 132 postal and courier service manager postal service manager
4 122 junior college teaching and research staff.
7243 Power system electrician Power system electrician
7352 Power System and Power Station Operators Power Supply System and Power Station Operators
08 1 1 Primary production manager (except agriculture) Original product manager (except agriculture)
738 1 printing machine operator
4 155 probation officers and parole officers and related occupations
5 13 1 producer, director, choreographer and related occupations occupy producer, director, dance choreographer and related occupations.
2 148 professional engineers, N.E.C (other) professional engineers, etc.
1 122 The business service profession is transferred to the management business service profession.
5 124 Public Relations and Communication Profession Public Relations and Communication Profession
4 12 1 professor-university professor
5254 leaders and instructors of entertainment and sports projects, leaders and lecturers of entertainment and sports industry projects.
4 168 Project Officials Unique to the Government, Government Planning Officials
1224 property manager property manager
4 15 1 psychologist
9233 Pulping Control Operator Pulping Control Operator
1225 purchasing agents and official buyers
0 1 13 purchasing manager
Code r
736 1 Locomotive Engineer of Railway and Yard Railway and Train Engineer
73 14 Railway Carmen/Railway Stewardess
7362 Railway Conductor and Female Conductor
2275 Railway Traffic Controller and Maritime Traffic Controller
Real estate agents and sales staff
05 13 director of entertainment, sports and services.
4 167 consultant in charge of entertainment, sports and fitness projects, and consultant in charge of supervision of entertainment and sports projects.
73 13 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
3 152 registered nurses
Religious occupation (other) Religious occupation (and other)
07 12 residential builders and decorators
32 14 respiratory therapists, clinical perfectionists and cardiorespiratory technicians, respiratory clinicians, clinical perfusion forensic doctors and cardiorespiratory technicians.
063 1 Restaurant and Catering Service Manager, Catering Service Manager
6233 Retail and wholesale buyers
062 1 Retail Trade Manager Retail Trade Manager
62 1 1 Head of Retail Trade
729 1 Roofers and masons
Due to the limitation of words, the remaining codes S, T, U, V and W can be found in the following pages.