First of all, talk well, things are rare. Diamonds that maintain and increase value must be small in weight, color, clarity and cut, or a few are good. In other words, a very ordinary diamond can be seen everywhere, and people don't need to buy it second-hand. It is better to go directly to any jewelry company to buy a new one. Unless you are a celebrity, all fans want what you bring.
Diamond valuation
The color of diamond depends on the purity, the type and content of impurity elements. Ultra-pure diamonds are colorless and usually have different degrees of yellow, brown, gray, green, blue, ivory and purple. Pure people are transparent, translucent or opaque, with impurities; Under cathode rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays, it will emit fluorescence of different colors such as green, sky blue, purple and yellow-green.
Light blue phosphorescence is emitted in the darkroom after the sunlight is irradiated; Diamond luster, a little grease or metallic luster. The reflectivity of diamond is very high, so its critical angle of reflection is very small.
Wide total reflection range, easy total reflection of light, large amount of reflected light, resulting in high brightness. The flashing of diamond is flashing, that is, when the diamond or light source moves relative to the observer, its surface reflects and flashes white light. Colorless, transparent and well-crystallized octahedral or curved diamonds can show good scintillation even without cutting and grinding.