Powerful land invasion diamond, swift sky flame diamond
You can learn four kinds of gem cutting methods from the trainer, which is enough for you to rush to 450 points. You will be more comfortable if you have the support of an alchemist. After the jewelry level reaches 450, you can start to learn the illustrations of Northrend's top purple gems, unlock the jewelry as soon as possible and do it every day. Only four jewelry brands can buy 1 colorful gemstone design drawings.
450-467: Cut some emeralds at will.
Or garnet ring (2X garnet, 1X jeweler base).
467-475: garnet ring (2X garnet, 1X jewelry base)
——————————————— Unlock the jewels every day! —————————————
475-485: garnet ring (2X garnet, 1X jewelry base)
Or night stone neck ornament (2x night stone, 1x jeweler's base).
485-495: luminous stone neck (2x luminous stone, 1x jewelry base)
It's 495 Go and buy a colorful gem pattern.
495-500: Just bought a colorful gem design (1x Shadow Soul Diamond).
Or continue to make night stone neck ornaments.
500-50 1: flame prism (carnelian x3 protein glass stone x3 garnet x3 jadeite x3 nightstone x3 westerly stone x3, cooled for 20 hours)
50 1-505: perforator (1x amber stone 1x magic eye stone 1x dream emerald 1x gray topaz 1x purgatory ruby 1x marine sapphire).
505-525: colored gems (1x Shadow Soul Diamond)
In this process, a lot of shadow diamonds were spent between 520 and 525. The drawings of colorful gems turned green at 520, so the last 5 points were compared with the figures … Although colorful gems can be made at 490, considering the lack of raw materials in the initial stage, it is better to fill the pit with other formulas.
It is worth mentioning that the gem of dream emerald will be used in engineering, and engineers need a lot of dream emerald to make their products: dwarf X-ray telescope! Those profiteers, you know? ...