# include & lt string & gt
# include & lt algorithm & gt
# include & ltvector & gt
Use namespace std
Class students
Student(string vname,int vscore):name(vname),score(vscore){}
Friends AllStudent
String name;
Int score;
The whole class {
void sortScore(){sort(vs.begin(),vs.end(),[](Student & amp; Student & AMPB) {return a.score > B. scores; }); }
void inputStudent(string name,int score){ vs . push _ back(Student(name,score)); }
void show score(){ for(auto it = vs . begin(); It! = vs . end(); it++)cout & lt; & lt it-> Name & lt& lt,< it-> Score & lt& ltendl}
Vector & lt student & gtvs;;
int main(){
int num
Cout & lt& lt "Enter the number of people"
CIN & gt; & gtnum
AllStudent as
Cout & lt& lt "Enter your name and rank as Zhang San 100"
for(int I = 0; I & ltnumi++){
String name; Int score;
Cout & lt& lt "first"
CIN & gt; & gt name & gt& gt score;
As.inputStudent (name, score);
as . sort score();
Cout & lt& lt "Rank from high to low:"
Returns 0;