Let me first talk about the status of the governor of Liangjiang. We know that there were nine government officials in the Qing Dynasty. Its status can be far greater than that of the current governor. Among the nine government officials, the governor of Zhili has the greatest power. The Governor of Liangjiang has the greatest financial resources. Because the Governor of Liangjiang governs jiangnan province and Jiangxi provinces. These two provinces were important economic and trade places at that time. Therefore, the successive governors of the two rivers are very rich. Therefore, Yongzheng also suspected that Tang was a man. Even if you are an honest official, the governor of Liangjiang belongs to an office that is not short of money. Everyone has desires. How can you eat cabbage every day?
In addition, Yongzheng himself attached great importance to corruption, so he sent Li Jue to investigate. If Tang is really an upright official, it is impossible for Li Wei to find out the problem. However, Tang is an acting school, and this survey will reveal the facts. Although Tang eats cabbage every day, he only eats cabbage hearts. In other words, all the cabbage leaves outside have been thrown away. Finally, the remaining cabbage will be cooked with ginseng. Consume several kilograms of Changbai Mountain ginseng each time.
Under the economic situation at that time, the price of a ginseng in Changbai Mountain was enough for a common people to eat and drink for a year. And every time he eats, the ginseng consumed by the fire alone is enough for hundreds of people to eat and drink for a year. At first, he also used normal firewood, but he thought that the cabbage burned by firewood was unhealthy, so he used ginseng instead of firewood.
It's just a luxury to eat. In terms of personal food, clothing, housing and transportation, Tang married a concubine with 36 rooms. In that feudal era, a rich man would marry several concubines, let alone a government official like Governor Liang Jiang. But 36 is a bit too much. In order not to let them compete for favor, Tang also set up a method of throwing shoes and money. Is to tie a lot of copper coins to a tree, and then let my aunt hit it with her own shoes. Whoever smashed more will go to bed tonight. This is no different from the emperor branding a brand.
If Tang's luxury is displayed unabashedly, Yongzheng may be punished by imperial edict. But after his performance, it became a crime of deceiving the monarch. In the end, Yongzheng appointed Li Wei as an imperial envoy and seized his property. In fact, Tang's life is indeed a bit extravagant, but the crime is not to death, let alone copying him. But after copying Tang's house, Yongzheng found a very beautiful jade pot. After pouring the tea leaves, there is a special aroma. Li Jue was shocked and quietly told Yongzheng the real purpose of this jade pot-urinal. As a result, I was so angry that Yongzheng sent Tang Wen directly.