When I was looking for a teacher, I carried a book box and dragged my shoes in the old valley in the mountains. In the severe winter, the wind was cold and the snow was several feet deep, and my feet and skin were frozen and cracked. When I arrived at the school house, my limbs were frozen and I couldn't move. The servant poured me hot water and covered me with a quilt. It took a long time to warm up. Living in the hotel owner's place, eating two meals a day, there is no fresh, fat and delicious enjoyment. Students' scholars are all well-dressed, wearing hats decorated with pearls and treasures, with white jade rings hanging around their waists, knives on the left and sachets on the right, which are as bright as gods; I am wearing a shabby robe among them, and I am not jealous. Because there are enough things in my heart to make me happy, I don't feel that the enjoyment of food and clothing is inferior to others. This is my hard work and hardship. Although I am old now, I have achieved nothing, but fortunately, I am still among the gentlemen, bearing the honor of the son of heaven, following the emperor every day, waiting for inquiries, and praising my name inappropriately under the sun, not to mention anyone who can surpass me.
Now students are studying in Imperial College London. The imperial court provides meals every day, and parents give them fur coats and furs every winter.
In summer, don't worry about freezing hunger; Sitting downstairs reading classics, there is no hard work; There are teachers like doctors, who ask for advice without asking themselves and get nothing; All the books you should have are concentrated here. You don't have to copy them by hand like me. You can borrow them from others before you can see them. If some of them are not proficient in their studies and their moral quality has not developed, if they are not talented and have low qualifications, they will not be as single-minded as I am. Can you say it's someone else's fault?
Dongyang Ma studied in imperial academy for two years, and his peers praised his virtue. When I went to the capital to see the emperor, Ma Sheng greeted me as a younger compatriot and wrote a long letter as a gift. He is fluent and approachable, arguing with him with gentle words and humble attitude. He himself said that he was very diligent and hard-working when he was a teenager, and he can be called a good learner! He's going home to meet his parents, so I'm going to cure myself.
Tell him about the difficulties in studying. If I encourage fellow villagers to study hard, that is my ambition; If you denigrate me, brag about my experience and be proud in front of my fellow villagers, do you know me?