# include & ltstdlib.h & gt
int main(void)
char ch,filename[ 128],str[2 1],line[20 1];
int i = 0,j,k,m,lineNum = 0,isfirst = 0,firstLine = - 1,last line =- 1;
FILE * fp
Printf ("Enter file name and string:");
Scanf("%s%s ",file name, string);
Printf("-file content:-\ n ");
Fp = fopen (file name, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
Printf ("Cannot open file! \ n ");
Exit (1);
And (! feof(fp))
ch = fgetc(FP);
line[I]= ch;
If (ch == '\n')// If a line break is encountered,
linenum++; //Cumulative line
putchar(ch); //Output newline character
line[I]= ' \ 0 '; //Set the string end of the line.
I = 0; //I clear
Else if (ch == EOF)// If the end of the file is reached,
linenum++; //Cumulative line
line[I]= ' \ 0 '; //Set the string end of the line.
Else// The rest of the characters are directly output to the screen.
//Complete the output;
If (ch == '\n' || ch == EOF)// End of line or file encountered.
for (j = 0,k = 0; Ok [j]! = '\0'; j++)
//Check whether the string of line line contains the input string str (case-insensitive).
if((line[j]= = str[k])| |(line[j]= =(str[k]-32))| |(line[j]= =(str[k]+32)))
for(m = j; ((line[m]= = str[k])| |(line[m]= =(str[k]-32))| |(line[m]= =(str[k]+32)))
& amp& ampstr[k]! = '\0'; k++,m++)
if (str[k] == '\0 ')
if (isfirst == 0)
FirstLine = lineNum// Calculates the first equal occurrence of the line.
is first = 1;
LastLine = lineNum// Calculates the line where the last equation is located.
else if (line[m]! = str[k])
k = 0;
putchar(' \ n ');
Printf("-file summary:-\ n ");
Printf("%d line, first line: %d, last line: %d\n ",lineNum, first line, last line);
Returns 0;