Inspection does not accept personal entrustment, and inspection and appraisal only do process appraisal. Chanel glazed ear clips are not accepted for inspection, and special delivery is not accepted. You can ask the store to send it for inspection.
Whether you are a seller in the Middle Ages or an enthusiast who changed hands, there is no shame in receiving imitations. It is a proper attitude to improve your ability to identify fakes and stand on the opposite side of fakes together, rather than knowing fakes and selling fakes. Even in order to make a profit or get rid of fakes, they use the loopholes found in China to sell fakes.
Chanel was founded by Ms. Gabrielle Chanel in 19 13, and has a history of nearly a hundred years. It has become a world-famous luxury brand and a fashion darling of women all over the world. The industries involved are clothing, jewelry, ornaments, cosmetics and skin care products, perfume, watches and so on. Chanel has established its own watch world since 1987 launched its first watch "Première". As time goes by, Chanel brand, a pillar industry, continues to grow and develop.