Feicheng Wanxiucheng jewellery counterfeit
I can tell you for sure. It's absolutely fake, but it's not fake diamonds. Generally, pearl shops don't buy fake stones because they don't want things from manufacturers. They will inspect the goods, but it is also possible that buyers will buy some jewels with a lot of gravel. There may be a very small chance to change some zircon for jewelry factory employees. But don't worry. This may not happen to ordinary people. The most likely thing is that you go to some small jewelry stores to buy jewelry. Because some small jewelry stores will use good diamonds as proof when making goods. When the certificate is ready, they will take the goods back to the factory. Then replace the good diamonds. Change some bad diamonds. That's what I do. Sometimes there are more than 100 stones a day. This is also fake. Because you bought some bad diamonds with the money of good diamonds. So it's fake. But in general, larger stores don't change stones. So it's better to go to a big brand store to buy it.