Next, let's look at other differences between finding and discovering:
1.Find is used to describe the location or existence of known objects, while discover emphasizes the discovery of unknown or new things.
-I found my keys on the kitchen counter. ?
I found my key on the counter in the kitchen.
-Columbus discovered America in 1492. ?
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Find means to find something in a known or expected place or situation, and discover means to find something in an unknown or unexpected situation.
The police found the stolen jewels hidden under the bed. ?
The police found the stolen jewels under the bed.
Scientists discovered a new planet with advanced telescopes. ?
Scientists discovered a new planet with advanced telescopes.
3.Find refers to finding something in a specific place, while discover emphasizes the extensive and in-depth exploration of new things, new situations or new information.
-We found this restaurant after a quick search on Google Maps. ?
We found this restaurant after a quick search on Google Maps.
The researchers found a connection between air pollution and lung cancer. ?
The researchers found a connection between air pollution and lung cancer.
4.Find can mean finding what is known, and discover usually means finding what is unknown.
-I found a $20 bill in my pocket. ?
I found a $20 bill in my pocket.
Archaeologists have discovered ancient ruins that were previously unknown. ?
Archaeologists discovered previously unknown ancient ruins.
Find often refers to finding and discovering something in daily life, and discover generally refers to finding something in a broader or more important background.
I found my lost textbook on the shelf. ?
I found my lost textbook on the shelf.
-Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. ?
Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.
6.Find can refer to finding some information or answers in your known field, while discover usually involves a new field or new knowledge.
-I found the answer to this math problem in the textbook. ?
I found the answer to this math problem in the textbook.
Marie Curie discovered radioactivity, which led to great progress in the field of nuclear physics. ?
Marie Curie discovered radioactivity, which led to great progress in the field of nuclear physics.