Rap [beauty] [`ɡ? b? Speak in a hurry and unclear
Benefit [beauty] [`ɡ enf? Beneficial, beneficial
Deny [beauty] [π, `π] Deny; refute
Galaxy [America] [`ɡ? l? Ksi] galaxy; Galaxy; A group of (outstanding or famous people)
Strong wind, strong wind; Strong wind; Strong wind; A burst of noise
Heroic [beauty] [`ɡ? l? [nt] a. Politeness (to women); Brave, heroic; A. heroic and heroic; Be polite (to women)
Gallery [America] [`ɡ? l? Gallery; Art gallery; Long gallery
Gangster [America] [`ɡst? [thug] thug
Gap [America] [? Gap. Create a gap, create a gap, create a gap, create a gap, open, split, open.
Clothing [beauty] [π?] appearance; Appearance. Dress up; Clothing; dress
Ghana [America] [`ɡɑ rn? ] 5. Stores
Decoration [U.S.] n. /n. decoration (goods); decorate
Crack, crack. Cut off, cut off.
Gasoline [America] [`ɡ? s? , Lin,? s? petrol
Breathe [beauty] [? Sp] vt。 breather
Gao qi [America] [ɡo? Clumsy; Clumsy; Rude
Rules [beauty] [ɡed? Thickness, diameter, measuring instrument, specification, measuring instrument, caliber, code, fact, basis, scale, standard, volume, capacity, range, size vt. Measure, estimate, measure, judge, measure the size of ... make it conform to the standard, correct, adjust and distinguish.
Gaze at [beauty] [?ez] vi. /n。
Gear [America] [? Gear (of a car, etc); Gears and transmission devices; Device v. start
Gemstone [America] [DM] n. Gemstone, jewelry; ] Precious stones, beloved
General [America] [`dn? r? L] a. general; A. ordinary; General; General; common