Crystal is the crystal of pure silica, generally colorless and transparent (there are orange and orange Brazilian topaz). When the crystal is heated, it has a magnetic field, which can emit weak electric energy. Combined with the biological electromagnetic field of human body, it can play the role of health care and radiation protection.
Generally speaking, the price of amber is higher, and it is generally sold by grams. In the market, it is generally more than one gram of 1-200, and the good quality will be more expensive; The usual white crystal is not so expensive (because of the output). Even for a bracelet with a price of 10MM, the market price is about 100 at most. If it is Brazilian topaz, the whole body is not cheap, and the price should be similar to amber.
Also, amber has low density and light weight, and its hardness is only 2-3, so it can be polished with ordinary sandpaper, so you must be very careful when wearing it, try to avoid bumping and rubbing, and prevent chipping and polishing; Crystal doesn't need to care too much in this respect, because the hardness of crystal is 7, which is harder than glass. As long as you are careful not to hit hard objects, there will be no problem of being worn out. In addition, because amber belongs to organic jewelry and contains a small amount of water inside, it is best to maintain it with natural grease frequently when not wearing it to prevent the surface from drying and cracking after a long time.
The picture below shows natural amber (gold powder honey), natural white crystal and natural Brazilian topaz.