After the referee gives the signal, the athlete must start the first action within 1 minute, otherwise the points will be deducted. When an athlete does an action, except for jumping with his legs apart, all other actions require his feet and legs to be close together and his toes to be straight. According to the action requirements, the body posture can be group, bent body or straight body.
The referee only scores the actions completed by the athletes online, and the score is calculated in units of 0. 1. If there is an interruption in the game, the action after the interruption will not be graded. At the end of the whole set of movements, the athlete's feet must fall on the net in a controlled way and keep his upper body upright, otherwise points will be deducted according to the rules. The referee is responsible for deciding the validity of the final score.
deduct marks/points
If the first set of actions in the preliminary round is repeated, 1.0 points will be deducted for each repetition.
Due to poor posture, 0. 1~0.5 points will be deducted for each action.
Touch the net with one hand or both hands, 0.4 points will be deducted.
Touching the net with both knees or hands, sitting on the net, touching the net on the stomach or supine, 0.6 points will be deducted.
Touch the spring, cushion, trampoline frame or safety platform, 0.6 points will be deducted.
Drop or fall on the spring, cushion, trampoline frame or safety platform and protective pad, 0.8 points will be deducted.
If the trampoline pops up after falling or falling, deduct 1.0 points.
During the competition, the protective personnel or coaches talk or hint to the athletes, and 0.3 points will be deducted each time.
Deduct 1.0 points for each intermediate (straight) jump in a set of movements; Additional action 1.0 points.
Deduct 0. 1~0.3 points if the specified time is exceeded.