1, hetian jade-gentleman
There is an old saying: "A gentleman never leaves, never leaves." Confucius said, "A gentleman is like jade." So the fate between a gentleman and jade can be said to have existed since ancient times.
Confucianism believes that a gentleman should be obedient to the outside and tough to the inside; Be lenient with others and strict with yourself; Guanghua is reserved and unobtrusive. The quality of jade is closest to that of a gentleman, so China's application and wearing of jade is based on moral and spiritual reasons.
Therefore, most playmates who like jade are like gentlemen, peaceful and elegant, obedient and modest.
2, lobular rosewood-introverted
The lobular rosewood is the king of wood, which is well known in Wan Wen. However, it is not as expensive as Huang Huali, nor as popular as the upstart Kim Jong-bai. Maybe it belongs to the king's restraint.
The lobular rosewood has Venus, but Venus is too far away to see; It also has water waves and grape grain, but these can't be seen without strong light. Because of wood, lobular rosewood is generally not easy to show, because it is afraid of black cracking. Some people may say that this is the charm that Wang Mu should have, but players think it is introverted.
Even if it is good, it is low-key and introverted. This is the character of lobular rosewood lovers.
3, walnuts-steady
Walnut often appears in various film and television dramas, and usually shows a wily, steady and mature role. Emperor Qianlong once wrote "the sun and the moon turn their palms, and time wants to turn back" to praise walnuts.
Playing walnuts requires more stability. Whether it is the initial coloring or the later sizing, you need patience and can't be impatient.
Therefore, cautious people play with walnuts more, because they are too impetuous and there will be no perfect patina.
4, King Kong Bodhi-hard work
To say that the most troublesome thing to play in the literary circle is King Kong Bodhi. No matter from the initial selection, to the initial cleaning and drying in the shade, the disk will be constantly brushed and cleaned when playing. If you are not diligent, the food will not be delicious.
Probably only hard-working people can present the best appearance of King Kong. However, most perfectionists don't touch King Kong, because King Kong is often accompanied by cracks, which is really a nightmare.
5, the moon-practice
The so-called practice is not simply to believe in Buddhism, but that we will meet many people, encounter many things, see many scenery and feel the various flavors of the world. In this complicated world, we will cultivate ourselves and live a good life.
Xingyue Bodhi changes very slowly, often after decades, it will still change. For practitioners, the moon and stars are the best companions. They will grow old with you, witness human stories together and become heavy together.
6, beeswax/Nanhong-leisure
Why are they so casual? Because it doesn't have to be hard to play with them, casual people are often informal and it's too much trouble to remember things. Simply playing beeswax or Nanhong is convenient and simple.
As long as you are careful not to bump into and contact with chemical reagents, they can be said to be the most worry-free wenwan. Take the plate down when you are interested and put it back when you are not interested. They will never become ugly because of your casualness and freedom.
Just like a casual person, seemingly casual and sloppy, but still radiant.
If you choose Wan Wen according to your own personality, it will naturally be more suitable. However, Wan Wen will also affect our personality, so Wan Wen is like a close friend, interacting with each other, and we hope to cherish it more.