In order to win over Sun Chang Wuji, Wu Zetian went to Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian's house to intercede, named Sun Chang Wuji's three sons as doctors, and sent a lot of gold and silver jewelry, but Sun Chang Wuji didn't show his attitude at all. Wu Zetian repeatedly asked her mother to intercede for him with expensive gifts. But Sun Chang still rejected the promise. Later, Wu Zetian invited others to visit her many times, but she was severely reprimanded by Sun Chang Wuji.
As a prime minister, my uncle didn't agree to let Wu Zetian be the queen, so Tang Gaozong had to give up. However, this is only a temporary abandonment. Tang Gaozong canonized Wu Zetian's two youngest sons as kings. In order to attack the queen again, Wu Zetian reported the queen and his mother. She said there were two people doing something cursed. Tang Gaozong heard Wu Zetian's slanderers and ordered Liu's family not to enter the palace.
Through her own efforts, Wu Zetian finally ascended the position of queen. At the same time, the fate of Xiao Shufei, the queen who competed with her for love, was also tragic. They slipped into the bottomless abyss. After the Empress and Xiao Shufei were abolished, they were imprisoned in the harem. There are no doors and windows, only high walls, just a small hole in the small door to feed them. Wu Zetian sent someone to guard them. The queen didn't say anything before she died, but Xiao Shufei swore. She said, I am a cat after my own death, and Wu Zetian is a mouse. So Wu Zetian ordered the harem to stop raising cats.