Engagement ring оручальноекольцо.
Earrings. I am серьга.
Ruby: I know.
Topaz is топаз.
меал Medal
The ring belongs to кольцо.
Gold ring золотоекольцо.
Kela карат
Chain: I am the one.
Opal опал
Man-made искусственный.
Watch часы
ремешоклячасов. Watch band.
Spring: I'm пруина.
мускиечасы Men's Watch
Alarm clock уильник
енскиечасы Women's Observation
Quartz watch кварцевыечасы.
Pointer стрелка
The bracelet is раслет.
Necklace оерелецеочка
Ivory слоноваякост1/000.
Small decoration: реслок
Brooch. I'm рош.
Silver ring серерянноекольцо.
Pearl емчуина
рагоценыйкамен. Jewelry
Diamond риллиант
платиновоекольцо platinum ring.
колье Gem Necklace
I have a stone pendant.
I'm рошьрошка Ping.
усы beaded necklace
золочiныйраслет gold-plated bracelet.
I have the серьги, серёки earrings.
повеска earrings
сеткалволос hair net.
аеит Emerald
иутерия Women's Accessories (non-precious stones and gold and silver)
корун corundum
I have a ruby.
I don't know. I know. Amber.
янтарныйисер amber beads.
янтарнаярош10/000 amber brooch.
серьгиклипсы, клипсы clip-on earrings.
кольцо ring
алмаз diamond
золотаяцепочка gold necklace.
I'm малахит malachite.
I have a sapphire.
I have a needle.
I'm the emerald.
агат agate
I said the rosary.
I want artificial products.
I am the раслет bracelet.
шкатулка (ляювелррныхии)
горныйхрустал1000 crystal.
наколка headdress
оерелье necklace.
I have a small pendant.
приколкаакккккккккккккккккккк 108
комплект A set of jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. ).
Diamond (processing) рильянт, рилиант.
I don't know what to do.
I have a bracelet; bracelet
кулоны Gemstone Pendant
рошь (рошка) brooch
меальон is a round neck ornament with a portrait embedded in it.
усы necklace; Zhuchuan
оерелье necklace.
запонка (запона) small gold or silver card.
A перстен ring with jewels.
колье Gem Necklace
I have серьги earrings.
кольцо ring
серьгиклипсы clip earrings.
шкатулка jewelry box
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Russian national proficiency test is a national standardized test to test the Russian level of non-Russian people, which is divided into the most elementary Russian proficiency test, elementary Russian proficiency test and Russian 1 ~ 4 proficiency test. It is mainly aimed at people from non-Russian countries who are willing to take the Russian test, and its nature is equivalent to IELTS, TOEFL and HSK in China.