On a full moon night in May, after bathing, the king put on incense and clean new clothes, and called his ministers in the hall of the palace. The high king sat on his throne and asked, "Tonight is the full moon. Which yogi should we summon in order to cultivate good roots? " 」
A minister suggested: "Report to your Majesty, Bran Ye Jia lives in Shecheng, the king, and is a great shaman with many disciples. Your visit can cultivate good roots. " King Gao was silent. Another courtier suggested, "Your Majesty, there is a man named Saxony qianzi in King Snake City. He is an overhauled pedestrian. If you visit him, good roots will grow. " Hearing this, King Gao was still not interested.
Courtiers praised the Taoist priests who followed them to the king, saying that home visits could increase good roots. Finally, Gao Wang turned back and asked the old woman who had been holding the umbrella cover behind her: "The sages here have all made suggestions. Why are you silent? " In your opinion, which yogi should we visit on this full moon night? 」
The mother-in-law replied: "Sakyamuni Buddha and his 1250 disciples are currently living in my Anpo Luoyuan. If your majesty goes to pay his respects, he can grow infinitely. 」
Hearing this, Gao Wang immediately ordered his grandmother: "Send 500 female elephants as soon as possible, and send 500 harems with him." After 500 elephants were ready, King Gao and his 500 concubines set out from Shecheng at midnight for Anpo Luoyuan, under the protection of the attendants carrying lanterns.
The suburbs under the shadow of darkness are particularly quiet. When a group of people approached the gate of Anpo Luoyuan in a mighty way, King Ako was shocked. In the dark night, Anpo Luoyuan became silent. He asked his grandmother in horror, "You said there were 1250 monks living here. Why is there no sound in the garden? " Are you cheating on me? 」
Grandma came forward to report, "Your Majesty, I didn't lie to you! Look ahead! The majestic Buddha statue of Wade sits quietly in the center of the lobby, where the lights are brightly lit, just like the king of cattle in cattle, the king of lions in beasts, and the six-toothed white elephant on the snowy mountain in elephants. Surrounded by a sea of people, it is as quiet as the Ganges abyss. 1250 monks are silent in front of them, and so is it. Just like the sea, boundless water flows into the sea, and Buddha and monk have boundless merits, so it is. 」
Wang An, the high king, got down from his seat and walked into the lecture hall. In silence, he slowly turned three times around the Buddha and the monk who was meditating. Seeing such a pure and solemn Buddhist group, the pious king whispered to his mother-in-law: "The Buddha and monks practiced meditation diligently and kept silent, and achieved great purity and merit. I hope my Prince Yutobai can achieve the same achievement. 」
At this moment, the Buddha made a peaceful wish: "All great wishes can be achieved. 」
Hearing this, the high king was filled with joy. He sat down in person and respectfully asked the Buddha to sit on the throne.
The Buddha told King A Gui, "I have my own seat. Dade, please sit down. 」
After bowing respectfully to the Buddha, the emperor sat down with his hands crossed and asked, "Dear sir, may I ask you some questions?"? Please have pity on me. 」
Buddha and Yan said, "I will answer all your questions." 」
Gao Wangdao: "Buddha, the monks present here were all technicians engaged in various crafts before becoming monks. After they become monks with the Buddha, will they be rewarded by the Saman in this life? " Buddha mercifully answered questions about karma and karma for Archie Wang Yiyi, and this extraordinary victory was later recorded in the Samana Sutra.
Time passed slowly during the question and answer, and the concubines of King A Gui put them beside their seats because they were wearing heavy wreaths. King Ago was listening to Buddhism when he suddenly heard the sound of drums, shells and carriages coming from the king's Shecheng. He felt suspicious, uneasy and afraid, so he ordered and immediately returned to the king's Shecheng with his concubines. In a hurry, the concubines forgot to take the jewelry that was played back next to their seats. Until the next morning, when the queen decorated her appearance, she couldn't find any jewelry. The maid-in-waiting guessed that she might have left her jewelry in Luoyuan, Anpo, the night before, and other concubines also said that they forgot to bring it back. Because many concubines forgot to bring wreaths, they were worried that if they told the king truthfully, they would be scolded by King Achaia.
When the imperial secretary reported this to King Agui, Brahman, an outsider of King Agui's Zun religion, happened to accompany you into the palace. He casually said, "If you leave the precious wreath in Anpo Luoyuan, those monks will definitely hide the jewels, so that they can't get it back. 」
Gao Wang listened to the words of Buddhists, so he sent his cronies secretly to Anpo Luoyuan to look for jewels. As soon as my confidant arrived in Anpo Luoyuan, he saw Sakyamuni Buddha and other monks sitting quietly and meditating, while the wreath of the palace princess was still intact in its original position, shining golden in the sun. After he collected the jewels one by one, he returned to the palace and reported this to King Archie.
The king of Ming Dynasty was very happy and said admiringly, "Sakyamuni Buddha and monks are really blessed. They have no greed or desire, and they are the most trustworthy practitioners in the world, unparalleled. Pray that the Buddhist monk group can live in our country for a long time, and I will devote my life to supporting the Buddhist monk group. Later, the king of Ming Dynasty ordered the concubines in the harem to come and collect their jewels.
The story of the monk's nonsense reached the monk, who told the Buddha truthfully. After listening to this, Sakyamuni Buddha revealed to the monks: "Even if you haven't touched the gold and silver jewelry in front of you, you have been laughed at, let alone touched it with your hands." From now on, monks should strictly observe the commandment not to hold gold and silver treasures. 」
Allusions come from: The Law of Maha Monks, Volume 18.
The Buddha said "Viewing the Sea Sutra" said: "I often take abstinence from incense as my body. The purity and merit of keeping precepts are better than the seven treasures, which solemnly embodies the mind and body of practitioners.
We are in three worlds and six roads, and we can't come back because of greed. To get out of the sea of suffering, only by strictly observing the network precepts, diligently practicing wisdom and getting rid of the troubles of greed can we cross the sea of life and death and gain real freedom.
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