In the interview, Ma Rong talked about a key point that makes people laugh and cry. She said that in the division of husband and wife's property, the king and the court stipulated that even her designer bags and underwear should be divided. At first glance, Wang seems to be so unkind that even his wife's personal belongings are not left to her.
But in fact, the court established in the judgment that Ma Rong's luxury bags, watches, clothes, jewelry, etc. after marriage were not small, reaching millions, so they were published as the content of divorce property division.
However, Ma Rong complained in front of the camera that his brand bag and underwear were not guaranteed, but he was not afraid to show off his wealth. According to netizens' careful observation, Ma Rong's dress on the day of the interview was quite rich. Only the Van Cleef & Arpels earrings she wears are worth more than 40,000 yuan. The official price of online Van Cleef & Arpels earrings logo is 43,000 yuan, but Ma Rong's earrings are more decorated with bare diamonds than those on official website.
The milky white suit worn by Ma Rong is also the famous luxury brand Chanel. There is no doubt that it is tens of thousands of dollars, just earrings and suits. The total amount of this suit worn by Ma Rong in the interview is likely to reach100000.
Therefore, some netizens analyzed that two years after the divorce broke out, Ma Rong often stood up and spoke. The fundamental reason is that the divorce divorce property division case is about to open, which is her greatest concern. Therefore, it is necessary to put pressure on Wang through public opinion. After all, she wears tens of thousands of earrings in her daily life. Who will give up casually?