I. Detailed explanation
Family children, family relatives, family members, family members, family members, ethnic factions, cabinets, colleagues, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans, clans,
1. home; Family; domestic
A family, especially parents and their children.
For example, there is sroominthereforafamilyoffive. ...
There can be a family of five.
No matter what decision he makes, his family will not hesitate to support him ...
No matter what decision he makes, his family fully supports him.
2. Children; children
When people talk about a family, they sometimes think of children.
They decided to start a family life.
They decided to have children.
For example ... extended family couples.
Couples with children flock together.
3. ancestors; ancestors
When people talk about their families, they sometimes mention housewives.
For example, HerfamilyCametol Sangele Satttheturnofthencentury.
Her ancestors came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.
For example ... the home where their families have lived for generations.
Home for generations.
4. family; Family; domestic
youcanusefamilytodisbethingsthaltongtoaspecialth family。
For example, Hereturnedtothefamilyhome ...
He returned to his home.
For example, e.g. iwasworking inthefamilybusiness
I work in my own enterprise.
5. For the whole family; For the whole family.
For example, Ithadbeendesignedasafamilyhouse ...
The design of this house is suitable for a family to live together.
For example, e.g.Aweddingisafamilyevent.
A wedding is a celebration for the whole family.
6. Family (of animals and plants)
afamilyofanimalsorplantsiagroupofrelated species。
For example ... Cruciferae food, such as Brussels meat.
Cruciferous foods, such as Brussels sprouts.
Third, the network interpretation
What does 1.family mean?
1.Series: However, for each family, you need to derive a ConcreteFactory class to implement it. If there is little difference between the series, it will be a great waste; At this time, the prototype pattern can be used to solve this problem, which can avoid the problem of deriving a ConcreteFactory class for each family.
Fourth, examples
There are five people in my family.
There are five people in my family.
He's Hewasborninawealthyfamily.
He was born in a rich family.
He must work hard to support his family.
AllourfamilycametoGrandad ' seightiethbirthday party。
All our relatives came to grandpa's eightieth birthday party.
Some families have lived in this area for hundreds of years.
Some families have been farming in this area for hundreds of years.
She has many children to look after.
Please give my regards to the Jones family and their children.
Tigers are the representatives of cats.
Tigers are typical cats.
These languages belong to the Latin family
These languages belong to the Latin family
English is a branch of German.
English is a branch of Germanic language family.
Familylife's quarrel
Quarrel is a normal part of family life.
She works in the family business.
They rented a three-bedroom family house with a swimming pool.
They rented a house with three bedrooms and a swimming pool, which is suitable for the whole family.
Five, common sentence patterns
Used as a noun (noun) Shecomesofamusicalfamily.
She comes from a musical family. She comes from a famous family.
She comes from a noble family. Heisaboyofagoodfamily。
The young man comes from a good family. We shouldn't judge a person by his family.
We shouldn't judge a person by his family background. Hecomesofanoblefamily。
He comes from a noble family. hecameofapoorpeanstfamilyintheoldsociety。
He was born in a poor peasant family in the old society. The child was adopted and received a good education.
The child was adopted by a wealthy family and received a good education. Every apartment has a family.
Each apartment can accommodate a family of six. Heisblessedinhavingsuchafamily。
He is very happy to have such a family. Hiscrimesstainedthefamilyhonor。
His crime defiled the reputation of his family. Mrs. Halliswell knows all the families, and she will certainly be ready for your house.
That family knows Mrs. Hall very well. I believe she will be an obedient servant in your family. Recently, there have been many problems in this family.
This family has been ill a lot recently. Will you leave your family?
Would you steal from your own house? shewasustainedbypridinherfamily。
Her pride in her family sustained her. Who has more power in your family?
Who has more power in your family? Her family.
She brought honor to her family. Something unfortunate happened to his family.
Something unfortunate must have happened to his family. Many families remain silent.
Many families keep snakes. We have been married for several years.
We are going to have children after a few years of marriage. When do you want to start your family life?
When do you want to have children? Her family was neglected.
Her family is a big family with many children, so it is often ignored. Tomistheeldestofthefamily。
Tom is the oldest child in the family. Doeshehasanyfamily?
Does he have children? givemyregardstomr . Jones and family。
Please give my regards to the Jones family and their children. Mary's whole family disapproves of Jim.
Mary's family banded together against Jim. The family lives in the familiyiveinthebigmansonnearnearthecoast.
The family lives in an apartment by the sea. My family is very big.
My family has a large population. Mr Smith is with his family.
Mr Smith came with his family. My family went to my house but stayed at home.
My family went to my aunt's house and I stayed at home. She abandoned her family and friends.
She humiliated her family and friends. thepictureremindedhimofhishmeandfamilyintaiwan。
This painting reminds him of his home and relatives in Taiwan Province province. Although he works hard, he supports the family.
Hard as he works, he can hardly support his family. If you can't support your family, you can seek faith.
If you can't support your family, you can at least apply for relief. We all know that he is Singh.
We must inform his family at once and tell them that he is in danger. hisfamilycantraceitshistorybacktothentury。
His family history can be traced back to 10 century. Some families have lived in this area for hundreds of years.
Some families have been farming in this area for hundreds of years. Spanish and Italian belong to the same language family, and both are descendants of Latin.
Spanish and Italian belong to the same language family, both of which are derived from Latin. Horsefamilyalso includes donkeys.
Kyle also includes donkeys. The theroya family consists of heking and queen and their related personnel.
Members of the royal family include the king, queen and their relatives. Families are isolated from most ordinary people.
Members of the royal family are isolated from the world and cannot face the difficulties of ordinary people. Many families live in new houses.
Many families have moved into new houses. His family is on holiday these days.
His family is on vacation recently. The smiths.
The smiths are all very strong. How is your family?
How is your family? The family was present.
The whole family is here. These houses are built for families.
These houses are built for families. hedecidedtoreducefaminyexpenses。
He decided to cut back on family expenses. willobligesteheirstolifeinthefamilymansion。
The will requires the heir to live in the family's private house. Despite the family jewels.
Although his family is poor, he still refuses to sell his family jewels. ighomeeverysummertoseemyfamilyrelations。
I go home to visit my relatives every summer. His illness added to his family's troubles.
His illness added to the family's difficulties. I don't know any other family.
I don't know any family who would do so many things. Sixth, lexical collocation.
Used as a noun (noun) verb +~ Bringupa family brings home the bacon and raises his wife and children. comeofafamily was born in? A person's family brings shame to this family. Haveafamily has a family. Headafamily is the head of the family. Leave one's family and abandon it. Run away from home, restrict family, restrict birth, protect family, protect family, establish family, support family, unite extended family, large family, broken family, complete family, family with both parents, good family, happy family, high-income family with the highest family background, large family with many children, low-income family, middle-income family, middle-income family, medium-income family. Noble family, aristocratic family, poor family, poor family, rich family, rich family, single-parent family, small family, special family, special family, high-income family, rich family, rich family, whole family noun+noun family language family+noun family genealogy, just like a family, is informal and casual. [America] pregnant on the family road [Britain] pregnant preposition +~ in family family Mano good family aristocratic children with families (to take care of) animals and cats family cat family member deer family+ preposition family of six family of first family family with four children.
The five words family, residence, home, house and residence all mean "home, family, home". The difference is that: home refers to the environment where someone was born and raised or the place where they live together; Residential is a literary term used to distinguish houses from shops, offices and other buildings; Family refers to family members, regardless of their place of residence; House emphasizes the building itself where people live; Residential often refers to a mansion with a large area of land around it, and it can also refer to ordinary houses, especially one's own house. There is nothing like home. Their residence is in a state of disrepair. They are in rags, with small houses and poor furniture. Because of the happiness and health of our family, we consider ourselves lucky. While I was away, she offered to help Ruth with the housework. Buy a house and build a house. Buy a house and settle down. The president's official residence is the White House in Washington, D.C. In family way, which means "informal" and In family way means "pregnant" in British English. In American English, inafamilyway and inthefamilyway both mean "pregnant". She spoke to me informally. It makes families happy. People will be happy to see a girl pregnant. Sue and Lisa are very happy because their mother and daughter are very happy because their mother is going to have a baby. The following two sentences have different meanings: Howareyourfamily? How is everyone at home? How is your family? How is the whole family? If you focus on everyone in the family, use "are"; If you focus on the whole family, use "yes", but use "are" when answering. My family [they] are all very well. The whole family is fine. The following two phrases have different meanings: ateacher'sfamily A teacher's family The following two sentences have different meanings: Heisfamilyman. He has a family. Heisamanoffamily。 He comes from a noble family. Related synonyms of family
House, family, relatives, relatives, tribe
Family-related adjacent words
Famine, familiarity, family, family type, family, family, family, family, family, family, family, family.