If you want to be an IST sword, you'd better use a crystal sword instead of the blade of space. This kind of sword has much lower requirements and looks good.
4S shield is generally used for spirit, and SOR for MF does not need to add so many STR.
But you can also try. Hmm. How interesting
STR is strength, EG is extra money.
FCR display speed is fast. You want a universal shield and a crystal sword, but I don't have one. I haven't played for a long time You can ask for it at a cattle farm or in a game. 10FCR's general shield and crystal sword are rarely seen and have little effect. Besides, the 10% you said should be ed, which is still useful.
ED is to enhance the defense for the shield and the damage for the sword.
D2 Dictionary of Abbreviations of Common Words
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