After the battle of Jingnan, the night before Judy invaded China, Jie Jin, Hu Guang and Wang Gen came to Upp's home together. They are all government officials and come from Jiangxi, so they choose to talk about their lives in front of this important historical moment.
Among them, Jie Jin and Hu Guang talked about the important principles of the monarch and subjects, saying that they would rather die than succumb to Judy's rule and would like to die for their country with his emperor Zhu Yunwen to show their sincere loyalty. Upp echoed some of them, but not as openly as Jie Jin and Hu Guang. Only Wang Gen was silent and secretly shed tears.
Later, after Jie Jin, Hu Guang and Wang Gen left respectively, Upp's son, Wu Yu Bi, came out and lamented: "It is really an amazing thing that Hu Guang is willing to die for his country." The words sound just fell and Hu Guang's voice came from next door. That's when he told his slave, saying, "It's too messy outside, lock up the pigs at home quickly!" "
Upp smiled and said to his son, "Hu Guang must be a man who is afraid of death. He can't even give up a pig. How can he give up his life? " Later, Wang Gen returned to China, showed his heart to his wife and mother, and then took poison and died! When Judy broke through Nanjing and became Emperor Yongle, Upp, Hu Guang and Jie Jin all chose to kneel down to Judy!
It is worth mentioning that the insatiable Hu Guang has a daughter who would rather die than surrender. Hu Guang and Jie Jin became very important after giving in to Judy. Both of them are from Jishui, Jiangxi, and they are students taught by the same teacher. Now they all work under the same emperor.
With such a fate, I invited you to a banquet and said that I remember a son named Xie, so that I could marry your daughter, so that you two could kiss.
Hearing this, Hu Guang immediately kowtowed and said, "My wife is just pregnant, and I don't know if the baby in her belly is male or female."
Judy said confidently that the child in your wife's belly must be a daughter. Later, Hu Guang's wife gave birth to a child, and she really had a daughter, so the two families were engaged. Later, Jie Jin was convicted and imprisoned, and his son and other relatives were exiled to Liaodong. In other words, Xie Jia has declined and is no longer worthy of their de gruyter.
In this case, Hu Guang wanted to give up his previous engagement and force his daughter to remarry. Desperate, Hu Guang's daughter chose to cut off half her ear with a knife to show her heart: "The engagement between my daughter and Xie Jia's son was decided by the emperor himself today, and you personally agreed. How can you give up your engagement now because your family is ruined? "
Obviously, she doesn't want to be a traitor, and she won't marry Xie's son. Hu Guang was afraid of her daughter's suicide, so she had to stop persecuting her. When Prince Zhu Gaochi became Emperor Renzong, he ordered Xie Jia to be pardoned and all relatives in exile in Liaodong were recalled. In this way, Hu Guang's daughter was able to marry her son and successfully fulfilled her engagement.