Inspirational story: Ren Jin 1 In ancient times, people from a small country came to China to pay tribute to three identical Ren Jin, and the emperor was very happy. However, the people who paid tribute were very unkind, and a question was raised: Who is the most valuable of the three gold people? The emperor asked the jeweler to weigh and watch the work. The three gold men were exactly the same. Finally, an old minister said he had an idea. The old minister is holding three straws. First, he put a straw in the ear of the first gold man, and the straw came out of the other ear. The second straw fell out of the mouth and the third straw fell into the stomach. The old minister said: the third gold man is the most valuable! The messenger even claimed that the answer was correct.
Fable revelation: This story tells us that the most valuable person is not necessarily the most talkative person. Being good at listening is the most basic quality of a mature person.
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Two inspirational stories
Fable inspirational story
Inspirational Story: Psychological Secret Behind Wealth Inspirational Story: Golden Man 2 One day, the emissary of Lilliput came to China. He presented the emperor with three identical golden statuettes. The golden statuette made the emperor's hall resplendent. This can make the emperor very happy.
However, the angel of Lilliput deliberately made things difficult and raised a very strange question: which of the three golden statuettes is the most valuable?
The emperor invited a jeweler to come over, but no matter how he checked, weighed and looked at the structure, it was exactly the same. How can you judge the value of a completely indistinguishable thing? The emperor asked many ministers and wise men, and everyone didn't know how to answer this question. The emperor was at a loss.
What are we doing? The messenger is still waiting for an answer! A vast country, you don't even understand this little thing? The emperor and his ministers were in a hurry. Finally, an old minister stood up and said that he had an idea.
The emperor invited the emissary to the main hall, and the old minister confidently took three straws and inserted them into the ears of three little golden statuettes. The straw in the first golden statuette's ear came out from the other ear, the straw in the second golden statuette's ear came out from his mouth, and the straw in the third golden statuette's ear went in from his ear and fell into his stomach, silently and without any movement.
The old minister said, "The third golden statuette is the most valuable!"
The emissary was silent, and the minister answered correctly.
Put what you hear into your stomach, digest it well, extract your useful information, then make certain plans and take corresponding actions to improve yourself and become a high-quality and high-ability professional. Only truly powerful people can take the lead in the competition.
Inspirational story: Golden Man 3 Once a small country sent an envoy to China to pay tribute to three identical golden men. Can make the emperor happy.
However, this small country is not very kind. At the same time, there is another problem: let the receiver guess which of the three gold people is the most valuable. If he can't guess, Kim will take it back. In order to solve this problem, the emperor thought of many ways to ask the jeweler to check, weigh and watch the work. As a result, all three gold people are the same, and they can't tell the good from the bad. What shall we do? The messenger is still waiting for a return.
China, a vast country, doesn't even understand such a trivial matter, does it? Finally, an old minister said he had an idea. The emperor invited the emissary of the small country to the main hall, and the old minister confidently took three straws and inserted them into the ears of three gold people respectively. The straw of the first gold man came out of the other ear, the straw of the second gold man fell out of his mouth, and the straw of the third gold man fell into his stomach. There is no noise. The old minister said, "The third gold man is the most valuable." The messenger of the small country is silent and the answer is correct.
The moral of this story is that the most valuable person is not necessarily the most talkative person. God only gave us two ears and one mouth, which was supposed to make us listen more and talk less. Being good at listening is the most basic quality of being a man.