GIC, it's very simple. Just register in Wuhan. Shanghai, Nanjing and other places have training! Jewellery certificate is also very popular.
CGC is a professional certificate recognized by the state, which is difficult to test. Once every two years, the pass rate is only 10-20%, and only 5- 10 people can pass at a time. But it is a professional certificate recognized by the state! It is equivalent to a hard certificate such as an accounting certificate. It is also a big registration in Wuhan, and the whole examination+training process takes about 2 months.
GIC can take the exam as long as you pay the money, but CGC has a fixed number of years. It takes five years for a college diploma, three years for an undergraduate course and two years for a graduate student to take the exam. I can't remember exactly how many years. You can check all these online.
I have only completed GIC three certificates and CGC certificate, and I am not old enough. When I was in GIC, my teacher told me that if I was still training in Wuhan when I took the CGC exam, taking this GIC certificate could offset part of the tuition fees of CGC.