There is no direct train from Harbin to Kunming, but the trains that can be reached through transfer are as follows:
Scheme 1 Harbin->; Nanchang->; Kunming (the cheapest way to travel)
Travel time of departure train from Harbin to Nanchang, travel distance, fare of this interval.
1124/112/(Harbin-Nanchang) 17:58 07:57 1 day 13 hours and 59 minutes.
The transfer train departs from Nanchang and arrives in Kunming. Travel time and distance. Fares for this period.
1235 (Nanchang-Kunming)14: 5321:4516 hours and 52 minutes a day1902km 107 yuan.
Scheme 2 Harbin->; Beijing->; Kunming (the shortest travel time)
The travel time of the departure train from Harbin to Beijing, the travel distance and the fare of this interval.
D28 (Harbin-Beijing) 08:58 17: 10 8 hours 12 minutes 1249 km 28 1 yuan.
The transit train departs from Beijing West to Kunming, the travel time and distance, and the fare of this section.
K47 1/K474 (Beijing West-Kunming)19:1817: 29122 hours a day1kloc-0/min 3244km 3244.
Scheme 3 Harbin-> Beijing->; Kunming (the shortest travel distance)
The travel time of the departure train from Harbin to Beijing, the travel distance and the fare of this interval.
T48 (Qiqihar-Beijing) 22: 0409:131hour 9 minutes 1249 km 154 yuan.
The transit train departs from Beijing West to Kunming, the travel time and distance, and the fare of this section.
T6 1 (Beijing West-Kunming)16: 37 07:181day 14 hours 4 1 minute 3 174 km 320 yuan.