Try to pack up the items in advance, and try to pack up the items that can be packed. Reduce working hours on the day of moving. Necessary anti-freezing measures should be taken for items or pets or plants that are not cold-resistant, so as to avoid frostbite when outdoors. Do a good job of anti-skid measures. Clean up the ice and snow on the outdoor passage to ensure the safety of truck traffic.
Moving skills
1. Unused items should be packed first.
Tidy up one room at a time, don't miss anything.
3. Newspapers, foam cloth, etc. It should be sandwiched in the middle of the plate package to avoid breakage during handling, and should be placed vertically in the box.
4. For some sharp items, such as kitchen knives and scissors, you can make a sheath with thick paper to avoid the sharp knife scratching other items and wrap it with adhesive tape. Remember to show your hands, so as not to hurt people by accident.
Put the bottle in the box first, and then put it in the box. If it's loose, put some filler to fix it.
6. There should be no gap when loading into the big box. If it is packed, there is no need to fill the box, otherwise the goods will be damaged during the movement.