2. In the Vajrayana, the most popular methods are the four-armed Guanyin and the Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Guanyin. The photo of the four-armed Guanyin; The white body represents purity and innocence, and the four arms represent four kinds of Buddha behaviors, namely, rest, increase, pregnancy and punishment. "Rest" is to calm all the pains, obstacles and difficulties. "Increase" means increasing happiness, wisdom, longevity and wealth. "Huai" is to save all beings and lead them to practice. "Punishment" means killing all kinds of evil thoughts and defeating external demons. Four-armed hands, the first two folded on the chest, holding a wishful orb, indicating that they can meet the requirements of all sentient beings. The other two hands are: holding a string of crystal beads in the right hand, which means constantly saving all beings.