China was an agricultural society in ancient times. When encountering natural disasters, ancestors were sacrificed and prayed for their protection. Therefore, both the emperor and the people attach great importance to sacrifice. Every major event to sacrifice ancestors will be grand and spectacular, and it will cost a lot of money to hold. Therefore, if there are many fields sacrificed, if future generations commit crimes, other property will be confiscated.
The Qing Dynasty also had this unique system. As we can see from the novel A Dream of Red Mansions, it was the daughter-in-law of the Jia family, which was very prescient. When she died, she advised Wang Xifeng that the Jia family could arrange to buy more sacrificial fields and buy more houses and fields next to the ancestral graves, so that it would be her ancestors' place in the future, and she would not be an official, and she could also provide sacrifices. Qin Keqing also told Wang Xifeng that the family's private school could also be located near the ancestral grave, so that no one would say, no one would be jealous and would not be sold by others.
If anything is committed in the future, other gold, silver, jewels, houses and land will be taken away by the government, and these sacrificial industries are protected by the official system, so even the government cannot take them away. Therefore, although "the sacrificial industry does not become an official" is not a unique system in the Qing Dynasty, it can be seen from the novel that this system still has a unique majesty and really protects the sacrificial industry of aristocratic families.