Synthetic purgatory machine needs to knock down four key guardians, get four keys and get the recipe of purgatory device.
Now, if you want to brush the key, you only need to brush the key keeper in the fourth act, because it will not only drop the recipe and the fourth key of the purgatory device, but also drop all the keys needed by the purgatory device, and the drop rate is not low.
The first key keeper, Odger, appeared in the first act of Les Miserables.
? Key keeper Odger
Second, Socard, the key keeper, appears in the oasis of Daegu, the second act.
? Socard, the key keeper
The third key keeper, Seth, appears on the stone pedestal, Act III.
? Sharis, the key keeper.
The fourth key keeper, Nekarat, appears on the 1 floor of the Silver Tower in Act IV.
Neckarat, the key keeper