Today, Your Majesty gave Kunshan jade, including the treasure of He Shen, the pearl of the bright moon, the sword of Tai 'a, the flag of Cuifeng and the drum of tree essence. This number of rare treasures, Qin is not born, tell your majesty, how can you see it? If Qin was born, that's fine, but the luminous jade doesn't adorn the imperial court, the rhinoceros elephant doesn't play well, and the daughter of Zheng Wei doesn't fill the harem. Handsome and plump is not really stable, and it's not used in Jiangnan, nor is it used by painters in western Sichuan. Therefore, those who decorate the harem with Chen Zhixin to entertain their eyes and ears must have come from the Qin Dynasty, that is, the hairpin of ten thousand columns, the ear of a fairy, the clothes of Amao, and the resplendent ornaments do not advance ahead, but the elegant Zhao woman does not stand beside them. The husband plays the urn and the Zheng, but it is really Qin Zhisheng who sings fast; Those who write about Zheng, Wei, Sang Jian, Zhao, Yu, Wu and Xiang are all happy in a foreign country. Today, I won't knock on the urn, I'll take Zheng and Wei, I'll take Zhao and Yu, and I won't play Zheng. What if it is? I'm satisfied with the present, but I'm just comfortable with it. It's not like this to bring people today. Don't ask if it is possible, regardless of right and wrong, those who are not Qin will go, and those who are guests will go one by one. However, the most important people care about color, joy, pearls and jade, while the lightest people care about the people. This is not the art of controlling a prince across the sea.
It is said that the land is vast and there are many people, and there are many people in big countries. A strong soldier is brave. It's the mountain ether that won't let the soil, so it can become bigger. Rivers and seas do not choose trickle, so they can be deep; The king is not only popular, so he can understand his virtue. There is no good place in the old land, no foreign country for the people, beautiful seasons and blessings for ghosts and gods. The reason why these five emperors and three kings are invincible is also. Today, we abandon the leader of Guizhou to the enemy, and the guest is a vassal, which makes the people of the world retreat and dare not go west, and cannot be bound to Qin. This so-called "Koubing stealing food" is also true.
I heard that officials were discussing the dismissal of Ke Qingshi, but privately they thought it was a mistake. Once upon a time, Duke Miao of Qin asked for a wise man, Xi Rong in the west, Wan Di Bai Li Xi in the east, welcomed Uncle Jian of Song State, and Jin State recruited him. None of these five sages were born in Qin, but Qin Miaogong attached great importance to them and annexed more than 20 countries, thus dominating Xirong. Qin Xiaogong adopted Shang Yang's new law, changed customs, and had a large population, thus making the country rich and strong. The people are willing to serve the country, and the princes attach it. They defeated the armies of Chu and Wei and occupied thousands of miles of land. So far, they have achieved political stability and strong national strength. King Hui of Qin adopted Zhang Yi's plan to capture Sanchuan area, annex Bashu to the west, take the county to the north, take Hanzhong to the south, sweep all the ministries of Jiuyi, control the land of Yanying, occupy the natural barrier of elevation in the east, and divide the fertile soil, thus disintegrating the vertical and horizontal alliance of Shandong six countries and making them serve Qin in the west, and their meritorious service continues to this day. Got it, deposed Hou, expelled Hua Yangjun, strengthened the rank of monarch, put an end to the private affairs of consorts, invaded the territory of governors, and made Qin an emperor. These four monarchs all owe their lives to Ke Qingshi. From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with Qin! If the four monarchs refuse to accept distant guests and alienate the wise men without being appointed, this will make the country have no rich strength and the Qin State have no strong reputation.
Now your majesty has got beautiful jade in Kunshan, with the treasures of the empress dowager of Sui Dynasty, He Shibi, etc., hung up the bright moon and pearl, wore the Tai 'an sword, rode a slim horse, built a Cuifeng flag and set up a drum. So many treasures are not made in Qin, but your majesty likes them. What is the reason? If the things produced in Qin dynasty can only be used, it should be that the luminous jade wall can't decorate the palace, the ivory vessels with rhinoceros horns can't be used as playthings, the beautiful women in Zheng Wei can't enter the harem, the horses can't enrich the horses outside the palace, the ones in Jiangnan can't be used, and the painters in western Sichuan can't paint. If everything used to decorate the harem, serve the concubines and be pleasing to the eye must be made in Qin, then pearl hairpin, beaded earrings, fine silk clothes and brocade embroidered clothes can't be presented to the king, and those fashionable, elegant and colorful women in Zhao Can can't stand beside him. Playing the urn, patting the legs with the guzheng, singing and shouting to cheer up the ears are the authentic Qin opera vocal music, while the folk music of Zhengwei Land, such as Zhao, Yu, Wu and Xiang, are exotic music. Now we don't knock on the urn and pursue Zheng Weiguo's music. Why do we do this? It's just that the picture is satisfactory and suitable for viewing. That's not how people are employed now. Don't ask questions indiscriminately, regardless of the merits, either the Qin people are going to leave or the expatriates are going to be expelled. In doing so, it is important to be feminine, vocal music, pearls and jewels, and light is people. This is not the way to unify the world and subdue the princes.
It is said that there are vast territory and abundant resources, many big countries, a large population, a strong army and brave soldiers. Therefore, Mount Tai does not refuse soil, so it can become so high; Rivers, lakes and seas do not abandon the trickle, so they can become so deep; People who are interested in building Wang Ye don't hate people, so they can show their virtues. The old land is divided into east, west, north and south, and the people are rich all year round, protected by the gods of heaven and earth. This is also the reason why the five emperors and three kings are unparalleled. Today, we abandon the people to help the enemy, refuse to serve the guests, and make the wise men in the world retreat from the west and stop at Qin. This is called "borrowing weapons from the enemy and sending food to the thief".
The article is not produced in the state of Qin, but can be valuable; A group of wise men who are not from Qin dynasty but are willing to serve their country. Nowadays, it is impossible to seek a country without danger by helping the enemy, reducing people's wealth, creating emptiness at home and building resentment among princes abroad.
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