Total sum
Disturbed; Be uneasy, uncomfortable
Ignore. neglect
Have to; must
Concern (burden ratio): involving; Related to n worries; Attention. Relationship (interest)
Care, care
Walking a dog meets a dog.
Veterinary veterinarian
Experience; experience
Amsterdam Amsterdam (capital of the Netherlands)
Netherlands (Western European countries)
Jewish Jews; Jewish
German. German. German.
Set it down and write it down; Put it down. register
Series continuous
A series in a series. a set
Outdoor is outdoor. In the wild.
Spellbind is fascinated; make hay of
Dusk, dusk, dusk
At dusk
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Integral; Complete, complete
Totally. Totally. Totally. Totally.
Power ability. Strength. Power.
Face to face
Curtains, curtains; Curtains. curtain wall
No more/no more ...
Partner. Partner. partner
Be quiet. Be quiet. Stay. Be quiet. Arrange. solve
Suffer; Suffer. Suffer; Put up with this experience
get sick
Loneliness is loneliness.
Restore cure; Restore.
Bored/bored ...
Packaging and binding; Packaging and packing n small packages: packages
Pack (something).
A suitcase; suitcase
Progress ... progress
Gossip gossip
Fall in love; fall in love with
That's right. That's right. The exact mountain
Disagree. Disagree.
Grateful. Express gratitude
If you don't like it, you don't like it dislike
Join in. join
Tips, tips; Tip. Tip tilt; turnover
Second second. second
Exchange exchange
Project. Project. condition
Subway subway
Elevator n elevator; lift
Gasoline (UK) Gasoline (USA) Gaseous gasoline, gas and gas; Poison gas.
Official. Official. formal
Sail. navigate by water/air
Conquer be conquered. Occupied
Because because ...
Native; Locals. Aborigines, come up, come up. Bring it up.
Apartment. Apartment. residential unit
In fact, in fact.
Base is based on n; Muji
At present; at present
Step by step. brick by brick
Abundance makes people rich; Enrich, improve
Vocabulary. vocabulary. Vocabulary. vocabulary
Spelling. Spelling. spell
Late and late are flat; The latter.
Identity itself. ontology
Fluent. fluent. fluent
Frequent. ordinary
Usage usage. Usage. Word usage
Command command; Instruction; grasp
Request request; ask
Dialect dialect
Emoticons; express
Of or characteristic of the midwest. African; African; Play a role in African languages: participation.
Lightning, lightning
Straight block
Taxi. Taxi.
Journal diary; magazine journal
Transportation. transport
I would rather choose one thing than others. unwell
Route the people's route
Flow, flow. Outflow; Flow. traffic
since then/from then on
Persuade. Persuade. persuade
Ride a bike
Graduated from n university
Finally. Finally.
Kind-hearted. Favorite.
Love; like
Stubborn and stubborn; stubborn
Organization, established
Care about care; Worried;
Details; detail
Determine for decision; Confirmation; decision
Change your mind. Change your mind.
Travel, travel. travel
Altitude. altitude
Make up your mind. make up your mind
Surrender. Give in. yield to
Valley basin
Waterfall Waterfall
Pace walks very slowly. Take a step. Speed; Curved steps, corners
Winding and flowing slowly.
Attitude, opinion
Forecast and forecast; forecast
Parcel bag; parcel
Insurance Insurance
Wool, wool. wool fabric
as usual
Reliable. reliable
Pillow pillow; pillow
Midnight midnight; midnight
Midnight, midnight
Flame. flame. light
beneath ...
Temple temple
Cave. Cave. basement
Earthquake earthquake
Right away, right now.
Sudden burst; Burst suddenly, erupt.
Million million
Event event; important event
It seems like ... seem
At the end; end
Ethnic group
Canal. Canal. channel
Steam. Steam. vapour
Dirt, dirt; land
Ruins. Ruins. Destroy. Destroy. bankrupt
The ruins were badly damaged and destroyed.
Pain. suffer
Extremely extreme
Survivors. Survivors. Survivors; survivor
Destroy; Destroy. sabotage
Bricks. Bricks. brick
Dam. Dam. dam
Tracking tracking. Footprints. Traces.
It's useless. It's useless. Invalid. invalid
Shocked; Shocked; shake up
Rescue: rescue
Get into trouble; difficult position
Electricity, current; electric current
Disaster. Disaster.
Dig it out. Dig it out. find out
Bury; bury; Bury. hide
My mine
Miners. Miners
Shelter. Shelter. Shelter. Shelter.
Many (large).
Title title; Title. qualifications
Damage loss damage
Frighten; frighten; be afraid
Fear. fear. threaten
Terrible is terrible.
Congratulations. Congratulations. (plural)
Judges, judges decide; Judge; judge
Sincerely. sincerely
The expression means. Express delivery; express
Outline the main points; Outline. summary
headline news
Quality: quality; Victory quality
Active. active
Generous and generous
Easy-going Gentle and tolerant
Ego itself
Selflessness. selfless
Devote oneself to
Republic * * * Republic. * * * and political power.
Principles and rules. Principle; principle
Peace. Calm down. peaceful
Huge, huge. huge
Humans. Humans.
Lawyer layer
Guidance. leadership
Legal. by law
Expenses (membership fees, tuition fees, etc.). )
Passbook of South Africa and national identity cards of colored people.
lose one's job
There is hope only with help.
Alliance alliance; Even double. alliance
Youth league
Stage stage; period
Voting; Voter voting; vote
Attack attack; Attack; attack
Violent violence; brutal act
in fact
Expansion; explosion
Equality. equal
Get into trouble, danger, punishment, pain and anxiety.
Willing is willing. Voluntary.
Unfair. Unfair. unfair
Ask for help; be committed to
Release release; question
Lose courage or confidence
Escaped, escaped, escaped and leaked.
Blankets. Blankets. cover
Education education
Educated. education
Come to power; come to power
Beg for a request; beg for
Terrorist activities in the period of terror.
Cruelty is cruelty.
Reward remuneration; Bonus award. reward
Setup settings
Sentence sentence
President; President; Principal; Bank president/president
Opinion proposition
Relics, relics. Relic; historical remains
Rare and rare; Rare, precious
Survived; survive
Vase. Vase. bottle
Dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty
Looking for discovery
Surprise, surprise
Amazing amazing
Selection and selection; choose
Honey honey
Design. design. Mode. Conceive vt design plan. conceive
Fancy's strange imagination; Imagination, hobby
Style. Style. Demeanor. type
Decoration. decorate
Jewelry. gemstone
Artists. Artists.
Members of.
Belong to
In return. in return
Army group. Group. army
Reception reception
War is war.
Remove the movement; leave
Wooden is made of wood.
To doubt or disbelieve.
Mysterious. Mysterious thing
The predecessor of the predecessor. late
Value is value, which is equivalent to value ... value ... valuable reconstruction.
Local local; local
Separate, separate
Painting painting; draw
Castle castle
Try it out. Try it out. Test, test
According to the evidence
Explosion explosion
Entrance entrance
Sailors, sailors; Seafarers; sailor
Water tank; water channel
Young girl. housemaid
Berlin Berlin (the capital of Germany)
Highly evaluate the value; speak highly of
Debate; debate
Competition vi competition
Participate; join
Medal n medal; Medal; medal
Representative: symbol, expression
Greek; Greek n Greeks; Greek magic. Amazing. Amazing.
Volunteers. Volunteers. Volunteers. Voluntary.
Motherland and motherland; This/someone's country
Normal, regular.
According to, according to
Athletes; athlete
Admit permission. Admit it. accept
Slave slave
Now. at present
Gymnastics gymnastics; PE
Sports. compete
Stadium (large open-air stadium)
Gymnasium (gym) Gymnasium and gym
The same is true; And ... also
The host is the host; Sponsor; Entertain the host
Olives, olive trees. Olive leaves; Olive branch; Chinese olive
Garland, Garland, Corolla, Ring Clear
Replace, replace, replace, replace. replace
Motto motto; Motto; maxim
Quickly. fast
Similarity: similarity
Athens Athens (the capital of Greece)
Charge a fee. Accusation. Expenses. Supervisor
Responsible for supervision.
Physical. bodily
Poster poster
Advertising. notification
Glory, glory. honourable
Cheap goods. Cheap goods. cheapie
Without hope, there is no hope; Desperate
Goddess goddess
Pain. pain.
One by one. One by one.
It's worth it. worthy
Forward (football) forward
Calculation n calculator
Personal computer, personal computer, notebook computer.
PDA (personal digital assistant) PDA personal digital assistant
Calculation calculation
Universal. Universal. universal
Simplify simplify
Total. Arithmetic problems. quantity
Operator (computer) operator; operator
Logical; reasonable
Logically logical; Logical and organized.
Technical process. Technology. technology
Revolutionary revolution
Man-made Man-made deceiver
Intelligent intelligence: intelligent intelligence
Intelligent; smart
Solve. solve
From ... from time to time
The real truth. The facts. reality
Designer. Designer.
Personal. Personal. Go in person
Personal, personal
Tube; Tube; radio tube
Transistor fragments; chip
as a result of
Total; Total. total
So ... that ... so. that
Network network; mesh
Web network
Application: purpose; apply for
Financial finance; Finance and economy
Cell phone. movable
Rocket rocket
Explore, explore. Explore. explore
Mars. Mars
Anyway, anyway. Even so, the target. Target; Score (target)
Happiness; happy
Humans, rare humans
Supported by
Download download
Programmer programmer; Program arranger
Viral virus
Android robot
Send a signal
Teammates and companions; partner
To some extent,
Coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach coach
Appear; happen
With the help of.
Appearance appearance; appear
Character wins the lawsuit. characteristic
Mop mop
Watch watch, watch
Naughty naughty
Niece niece
Damage damage
wild animals
Protection protection
Habitat habitat
Threaten and intimidate
Loss loss
Reserve reserve
Hunting hunting
Geographical area
Species species
Carpet carpet
Make corresponding answers
faraway place
Fur fur
Antelope antelope
To relieve or relieve (pain or anxiety).
Relieved, relieved.
Laugh, laugh, laugh.
Burst into laughter.
Kindness and kindness
Sure, sure, sure.
Importance (gender)
sliding friction
Protect ... from ... from ...
Mosquito mosquito
Cross insect
Inclusion tolerance
Powerful, powerful, powerful.
Influence touched the invasion.
Attention, attention, attention
Pay attention.
Appreciate, appreciate, realize
Success. Success.
Safe and reliable
Income income
Employment and utilization
Danger of injury
Bite, bite, bite
Dinosaur dinosaur
Form, form
Inspection inspection
Accident, accident, accident, accident
Dust, dust
According to, according to ...
Fierce and fierce
So the result is
Rolling swing
Rap music
Folk ballads
Jazz jazz
Musician musician
A dreamy dream
Pretend to pretend, pretend
To be honest, to be honest
Attach to attach a connection.
Attached to the belief that there is
Formal composition. Formal composition
Fame, fame.
Passers-by, passers-by
Earn; Earned; acquire
Extra external force
Perform a performance; Performance; carry out
Pub bar
Cash. Cash.
Cash; Have cash
Studio studio
Millionaire millionaire; billionaire
Make fun of
Actor actor; porter (at a railway station)
Rely on. rely on
Depend on it.
Broadcast; broadcast
Humorous. humorous
Familiar with; Common; Extremely intimate
Familiar with/familiar with ...
Or something like that
Break up; Split; dismantle
Addition is very attractive, very attractive.
Sorotte classification
Excited excited.
Dip; soak
Lili Lili
Short and short; Brief; General; summary
Dedicated to the people; Love deeply
Sensitive; Sensitive. Fragile. Sensitive, painful
First and foremost.