Although Toy Boy is fierce, he has done enough face-saving kung fu. The emperor's favorite women will give away gold and silver jewelry and give generously to family officials, but for men, there is not so much trouble. Just add officials and titles directly. Therefore, Zhang Changzong and Zhang Yizhi brothers became generals of military forces, in charge of the national treasury, and became the envy of many officials. Many men wanted to be guests of Wu Zetian, and more officials began to please these two promising young Toy Boy.
After being rich and powerful, the Zhang brothers began their extravagant life, and it is unimaginable for ordinary people to have no worries about food and clothing. Zhang Yizhi eats goose. First, he put the goose in an iron cage, and then put it in a pot with seasoning. Under the goose's net is a red-hot iron block. As soon as the iron was hot, the goose naturally drank the seasoning and then jumped up and down. Gradually, the goose is ripe, because it has been exercising all the time before death, and the seasoning goes deep into the texture and tastes good.
Zhang Changzong likes to eat horse intestines, which should be fresh. So when the horse was still alive, he cut open the horse's stomach, took out the horse's intestines, cleaned them and fried them. When the horse is still alive, he can only watch life go by. The Zhang brothers did this, and the dignitaries in Beijing followed suit. At that time, the kitchen killed countless people and the people were dissatisfied.
After the dragon coup, the Zhang brothers were killed, and the people cut off their meat and cooked it on an iron plate. The Zhang brothers died the same way as those horses and geese. I have to say that there is reincarnation in heaven, and people still have to accumulate more virtue.