Chief Neruzu's hood
JD Goolden range hood+solar dust exchange.
Shoulder, balance shoulder ornament
Southwest Gemini decline
Clothes. Quiet coastal coat
Southwest Muru Falls
Wrist guards, shoes, belts, new 3T6, SW Old 1 Blue Dragon respectively. SW Femis and Bupang will drop, so will Gemini, and 1 block will drop randomly.
Gloves. Old frost wolf hand guard
SW mobs lose the ancient shadow moon guard+1 solar dust exchange.
Pants, soul recast pleated skirt, SW Fermis shedding thunderstorm chain leggings+sun dust exchange.
Necklaces, rings, weapons, deputies and ornaments will be different. I recommend a set for you.
Necklace, brooch of the upper elves
Southwest Fermi Silk Waterfall
Rings, life rings with surging jewels. SW Old 1 Light Edge Ring, BT Mafia Carrapo Ring are all very good.
Weapons, hammer of the holy spirit, JD drops.
Deputy, angel's destiny shield. Muru falls in the southwest.
Ornaments, flashing Lu Na pieces, southwest wooden deer falling. The memory of Tyrande, the fall of YLD.