The Institute of Geology and Geophysics of China Academy of Sciences measured the Raman spectrum of thin moissanite. The working condition is LM 2000, the wavelength of Ar+ laser is 5 14 nm, the power is 20 nW, and the aperture is 25 microns.
The infrared spectrum test was conducted in seven infrared spectrum laboratories of China University of Science and Technology. The working conditions are: FT_IR Nicolet 5700, spectrometer with infrared microscope, resolution 80cm- 1, aperture 69 microns, scanning times 128, and testing range 500 ~ 2000 cm-1. The single crystal adopts transmission light mode, and the crystal in the sheet adopts reflection light mode to reduce the interference between colloid and glass slide.
Test method:
The samples of artificial heavy sand are crushed by a crusher after cleaning, then separated by magnetic force and heavy liquid, then selected by binoculars, and finally confirmed by a polarizing microscope. Slices are cut with synthetic diamond blades, and the abrasive is corundum powder. The polarizing microscope is Olympus BX60, and the photos are taken by Olympus DP 1 1 digital camera connected to the microscope.
The measurement of single crystal moissanite Raman spectroscopy was carried out in the Continental Dynamics Laboratory of the Ministry of Land and Resources and the State Key Laboratory for Mechanism Research of Endogenous Metal Deposits of Nanjing University. The working conditions are LM 1000, the wavelength of Ar+ laser is 5 14 nm, the power is 2 nW, and the aperture is 50 microns. ..