So how big is the sapphire to keep its value? Many people will definitely say, "Of course, the bigger the better." This is of course, after all, the bigger the gem, the rarer it is, but it is also under the condition that economic conditions permit and sapphire quality is good. We want to discuss this minimum here.
Let's take a look at the price changes of sapphire in the market in recent years:
In recent years, due to the continuous decrease of sapphire mineral resources and the increase of mining difficulty, the price of sapphire raw stone has risen a lot. Coupled with the increase in labor costs such as sorting, cutting and polishing, and the influence of more and more jewelry lovers, the price of sapphire can be said to be rising all the way.
According to statistical analysis, the annual growth rate of sapphire value in recent 10 years is as high as 30%-40%. Some experts say that sapphire is clearly preserved and has high investment and collection value.
It is also predicted that the demand for high-quality gemstones including sapphires will increase by 10 times in the next five years or even 10 years. Due to the increasing market demand year by year, only the market price of sapphire rough stone is expected to continue to rise in recent years.
The analysis of the market and related data has fully demonstrated the value of sapphire, so we really get to the point: how big is sapphire?
"How big" here refers to the number of carats. Sapphire is a rare natural non-renewable resource. If it is a good quality sapphire, one carat or even just close to one carat has its value preservation, especially the color level I reaches the color level of cornflower blue and sapphire blue.
The preservation of sapphire mainly depends on quality. In the same high-quality sapphire, the greater the number of carats, the better the preservation.
Using a data to illustrate the situation, it is suggested that you try to choose sapphire with a weight above 1 carat, and it is best to choose sapphire with high clarity and transparency and high color grade. In the case of sufficient funds, the higher the carat number, the higher the preservation rate of sapphire with good quality.
So is Ruby.