Tough paladins are trained to use the heaviest armor and shields, and can use their skills to attract the attention of the enemy and protect the weaker members of the team.
As the defenders of order, paladins can play a greater role in the team-their blessing and aura can strengthen themselves and the team, cause more harm and improve their viability.
In the first orc war, the North County monastery near Stormwind was destroyed, and the Light Church suffered heavy losses. Archbishop Alonso Fao realized that the church should not only use the power of the holy light to cure diseases and save lives, but also use the power of the holy light to resist evil.
The Order of the Silver Hand was founded in Alonso Chapel in Stansom, the kingdom of Lordaeron. Woother, Turayan, Tirion Fordring, Saidan Dasohan and Gavin Rad Dum became the first batch of baptized paladins of the Order of the Silver Hand, and Woother was the leader of the Order.