Chemical composition: na (Li, al) 3al6 (bo) 3si6o 18 (oh) 4 crystal system.
Triangular system
refractive index
1.62- 1.64
Place of production
Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar
Tourmaline, also known as tourmaline, comes from the ancient Sinhalese word Turmali, which means "mixed gem". Legend has it that tourmaline originated in 1703. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, several children played with stones brought back by Dutch navigators, and found that these stones not only had strange colors in the sun, but also were surprised that they had the power to attract or repel light objects such as dust or grass clippings. Therefore, the Dutch call it a lime stone. Until AD 1768, the famous Swedish scientist Ringnes discovered that tourmaline also has piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity, which is the origin of tourmaline's name. Up to now, tourmaline is commonly used in science to measure the change of luminous intensity and pressure. At the beginning of World War II, it was the only substance that could judge the pressure of nuclear explosion. Now, it is widely used in the optical industry. Crystal is a colorless and transparent large-scale timely crystal mineral. Its main chemical composition is silicon dioxide, which is a substance that "comes out of the uterus" with ordinary sand. When the silicon dioxide crystal is perfect, it is a crystal; Silica becomes agate after gelatinization and dehydration; Water-containing silica gel becomes opal after solidification; When the particle size of silica is less than several microns, chalcedony, flint and secondary quartzite are formed. The chemical formula is silicon dioxide. Pure colorless and transparent crystal is a variety of seasonable. The chemical composition contains 46.7% silicon and 53.3% oxygen. Because it contains different mixtures or mechanical mixtures, it has many colors. Purple and green are caused by iron (Fe2+) ions, purple can also be caused by titanium (Ti4+), and other colors are caused by color centers. The crystals contain sandy and fragmented goethite, hematite, rutile, magnetite, garnet and chlorite. Hair crystals are formed by inclusions containing hairy needle-like minerals visible to the naked eye. Containing manganese and iron is called amethyst; Iron-bearing person (
Golden or lemon.
) called topaz; Rose color containing manganese and titanium is called rose season; Smoke color is called smoke crystal; Brown is called tea crystal; Black and transparent are called ink crystals; The light green one is called stone pulp. The difference between tourmaline and crystal
1. tourmaline is much stronger than crystal because of its different chromaticity;
2. Different permeability: the permeability of crystal is higher than tourmaline;
3. The chemical composition is different: crystal is silicon dioxide, while tourmaline is silicate;
4. Mental strength: Tourmaline is also called tourmaline, and its magnetic field strength is dozens or hundreds of times that of the same color crystal.