Jewelry Professional Association received a guiding task, leading to the "Akada sentry post" at coordinates 25-39. Then, after completing a task, Epicis Gem Cutting Machine next to NPC will be activated to unlock the making of all-round gems.
Fast gem formula: Tian Tongfeng (epic difficulty), boss: Vickers drops.
Sputtering gemstone formula: sold by Epicis dealer (Rilak the Morning Seeker) in Ashland, with coordinates of 49 62. After buying 3000G+3000 epics, you need to be respected by the Awakening School.
Explosive gem formula: No.7 BOSS of Hellfire Castle fell.
Proficient in gemstone formula: buy after level 6 of Fight Club.
Endurance gemstone formula: World BOSS Rukma Waterfall